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A Few Ops Questions

Started by SNiFFeR, January 24, 2003, 10:12 AM

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Ok, I've got a few questions. Heres the first one,
Does anyone have the code for lockdown?
ex: Trigger Protect on
Does anyone have the code for Wildcard bans?

- Thanks


for what language?


Visual Basic of course  :o


Why "of course?" Many people here don't use Visual Basic (like me, for example).

By the way, here's a hint: if you demonstrate that you've worked on it yourself, people will be more likely to help you out than if you simply appear to be begging for free code. Consider talking about what you've attempted as far as dealing with this on your own.
Quote from: iago on February 02, 2005, 03:07 PM
Yes, you can't have everybody...contributing to the main source repository.  That would be stupid and create chaos.

Opensource projects...would be dumb.


Well I've only started the lockdown code, and i haven't even attempted the wildcard. I have no idea where to start on wildcard. :-X


Check out Regex's, I'm sure there's a way to use regex's in vb.  PScode might have some nice examples, but if microsoft has a library for them you'll want to check out msdn.

You could also check out the LIKE operator, but LIKE isn't quite as powerful as regex.


Well sniffer as youve said to me it sounds as if you have made your own bot before

If so then you would know how to do it its not really that hard to do lockdown.


Heres a simple way, should be easy enough if you can make your own bot. on the user join event do a if statement to see if the user is in the database, and if their not, then ban that user, also create a function to go through the userlist to see if they are not in the database, then ban them......that would be if you know how to use listviews/boxes and databases good enough..


I had the lockdown code already, but the only problem is that it don't ban members who aren't added, just banned the ones who entered. But I fixed that. Thanks Etheran for that source to learn about wild card helped alot.  :P


<shamless website plug>
I wrote a pretty good (although recursive) wildcard matcher function for c++ you might want to look at; it can fairly easily be converted to Visual Basic, I think, but anyway here it is:

(it's the second one on that page; the first has a couple small problems)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


can anyone convert it to vb


I guess it's good practice to make your own wildcard match header like that, but you're sooo reinventing the wheel!  :P