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DLL References

Started by PaiD, April 24, 2004, 03:32 PM

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Ok I have made dlls that I use in my bot in vb but I wanted to know if there anyway I could stop some1 from loading it in there bot as a References and see the cmds in the dll? I want to be able to do Declare Public Function bla (stuff here) and call it in the dll and make it so the dll cant be loaded into some1s vb and see all the functions. Do any1 know how to do this?


Why not just not release the dll's? If you mean you want to stop people from disassembling the bot and being able to see the used function references, then you can use what most gaming companies use on modern games to keep people from reversing game code and using it to cheat, intentionally corrupting the PE headers. PE is the Portable Executable format and it's what Disassemblers/Debuggers like win32DASM rely on to accurately display the contents of the disassembled file, when it comes to EXE's. I don't know how to go about doing this, but it will stop most dll declared functions from being seen, if not all. There is a document on the PE format somewhere in the Documents section of this site.
Quote from: Edsger W. DijkstraIt is practically impossible to teach good programming to students that have had a prior exposure to BASIC; as potential programmers they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration.


Ok I think I asked this wrong. You know from EC the BNLS.dll file. Ok if you try and load it as a reference it says it cant be loaded, but when I try mine it can load it fine. Can the bnls.dll now be loaded b/c it is in a non vb lang or can I do something to stop ppl from loading my dll as a reference?


This wouldn't be terribly secure, but you can just make one parameter a password for every function :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: iago on April 25, 2004, 11:51 AM
This wouldn't be terribly secure, but you can just make one parameter a password for every function :)
Given that somebody would probably have to do a bit of reverse engineering to learn the prototypes of the functions anyway, I think that a password parameter would add virtually no security.  People who know enough to deduce the function signature would have no problem learning about such a password.


The problem with VB dlls is that they contain the typelib that you need to be able to use them efficiently. It's very far from making a C dll with only ordinals exported.