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Error And (CSB)

Started by David, April 23, 2004, 01:03 PM

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QuoteRecompiling my CSB tutorial from 2 years ago is by far the lamest thing anyone on this earth can do.

guess what dave your lame.

Now...I had posted a topic about the bot i released. Apparently "error" had downloaded it and was using Windows XP. When i created the bot, i was using (CSB). Now to give him/(CSB) credit, i had left the company as "0neZeR0" and apparently...i shouldn't have.

Since then, i have been thinking alot about this... if you are a programmer and release something that is supposed to be used to help people when beginning programming, should it not be used?

One more thing. If someone is using something you made 2 years ago, YOU SHOULD BE THANKFUL, but instead he decides to flame on me. That tells me, that as a person and a programmer, he has no...respect? maybe that isn't the word, but i will be changing the "comapany" and i have lost all respect towards him that i had.

NOTE: This is in no way trying to flame him, this is just showing my perspective on the subject...

Quote from: l]ante on March 15, 2004, 11:40 AM
You learned 8 languages in 8 months?
Geez, go code a life.


I'm confused about why you're posting about this here.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


If you just took eFFecT CSB tutorial and Compiled it then your a lamer
By the looks of the post it looks like you just source stole the whole thing but I haven't downloaded so I dont know.

If you just downloaded eFFecT CSB tutorial and compiled it and added like 1 thing to it then you didn't do it and eFFecT has the right to flame you. Its like all the lamers who took Shadow Bot and changed the window size and caption.

BTW CSB is Open to anyone was meant to make peoples life easier (I think) so I have no objection to people using it.

If you didn't well you know in your heart you can code and thats good enough ;)


Quote from: Networks on April 23, 2004, 01:19 PM
BTW CSB is Open to anyone was meant to make peoples life easier (I think) so I have no objection to people using it.

It's made my life harder.  And I think he programmed it so people would say "Wow, cuphead's cool!" not to make their lives easier.

Ohwell, he's gone now anyway, so no matter.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: David on April 23, 2004, 01:03 PM
QuoteRecompiling my CSB tutorial from 2 years ago is by far the lamest thing anyone on this earth can do.

guess what dave your lame.
Is this a joke? I don't see how anyone could ever even need a CSB tutorial. It's pretty idiot... resistant...


I've heard stuff that Zorm really created CSB because Cuphead Worked him hard as hell so..I dont know. This was in mIRC Zorm and somone else was talking...Whats your take?



well uh seeing how i wrote the thing ill add my 2 cents , there is NOTHING wrong with using snippets , getting idea's etc but when all you do is recompile it and put your name on it it kinda deafeats the purpose.

No one can tell you not to steal source its up to but your only hurting yourself by getting nothing out of it.
Quote from: Mangix on March 22, 2005, 03:03 AM
i am an expert Stealthbot VBScript. Recognize Bitch.


Quote from: Eli_1 on April 23, 2004, 01:43 PM
Quote from: David on April 23, 2004, 01:03 PM
QuoteRecompiling my CSB tutorial from 2 years ago is by far the lamest thing anyone on this earth can do.

guess what dave your lame.
Is this a joke? I don't see how anyone could ever even need a CSB tutorial. It's pretty idiot... resistant...

Uh notice the actual time frame of the project. also you obviously dont know battle.net users very well.
Quote from: Mangix on March 22, 2005, 03:03 AM
i am an expert Stealthbot VBScript. Recognize Bitch.


CSB made everyones life harder. How? It exponentially increased the idiots on the forums. CupHead didn't give a shit about making lives easier, he just had lots of spare time. CSB2 was in the making, and I was a large contributor to it, to be honest, I did it for the glory, not to help people.


QuoteIs this a joke? I don't see how anyone could ever even need a CSB tutorial. It's pretty idiot... resistant...

Now im confused, there is no written tutorial for the program(not that i know of...)...it itself is a tutorial.
Quote from: l]ante on March 15, 2004, 11:40 AM
You learned 8 languages in 8 months?
Geez, go code a life.


What do you think about what CrAz3d is making? He making an ExileEasy.ocx which does both hashing and BNLS connections. Similar to cupheads but improved.


Quote from: David on April 25, 2004, 12:49 PM
QuoteIs this a joke? I don't see how anyone could ever even need a CSB tutorial. It's pretty idiot... resistant...

Now im confused, there is no written tutorial for the program(not that i know of...)...it itself is a tutorial.

No it is just so ridicuolssly simple that needing a tutorial is well, retarted...
QuoteI wish my grass was Goth so it would cut itself
