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Free 0x7D For Everyone Who Wants It

Started by ChR0NiC, April 20, 2004, 11:50 PM

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I was recently scammed into giving out my 0x7D code. Since it really doesn't matter any more, here is my 0x7D code.

Public Sub Parse0x7D(Data As String)
Dim Peon1 As Integer, Peon2 As Integer, Grunt As Integer, Shaman As Integer, Cheftain As Integer, ListCount As Integer
Peon1 = 1
Peon2 = 1
Grunt = 1
Shaman = 1
Dim Split0x7D() As String
Split0x7D = Split(Mid(Data, 10), Chr(0))
For i = 0 To UBound(Split0x7D)
If Len(Split0x7D(i)) > 2 Then
Select Case StrToHex(Left(Split0x7D(i + 1), 1))
Case "04"
Shaman = Shaman + 1
Grunt = Grunt + 1
Peon1 = Peon1 + 1
Peon2 = Peon2 + 1
If Split0x7D(i + 1) <> vbNullString Then
frmMain.W3ClanList.ListItems.Add 1, , Split0x7D(i), , GetW3ClanIconCode(Asc(Split0x7D(i + 1)))
If Len(Split0x7D(i + 1)) <> 1 Then frmMain.W3ClanList.ListItems(1).ListSubItems.Add , , , GetW3ClanStatusCode(StrToHex(Split0x7D(i + 1))): frmMain.W3ClanList.ListItems(1).ToolTipText = MakeLongIconName(StrToHex(Split0x7D(i + 1))) & " Status : Online"
If Len(Split0x7D(i + 1)) = 1 Then frmMain.W3ClanList.ListItems(1).ListSubItems.Add , , , 75: frmMain.W3ClanList.ListItems(1).ToolTipText = MakeLongIconName(StrToHex(Split0x7D(i + 1))) & " Status : Offline"
End If
Case "03"
Grunt = Grunt + 1
Peon1 = Peon1 + 1
Peon2 = Peon2 + 1
ListCount = Shaman
If Split0x7D(i + 1) <> vbNullString Then
frmMain.W3ClanList.ListItems.Add ListCount, , Split0x7D(i), , GetW3ClanIconCode(Asc(Split0x7D(i + 1)))
If Len(Split0x7D(i + 1)) <> 1 Then frmMain.W3ClanList.ListItems(ListCount).ListSubItems.Add , , , GetW3ClanStatusCode(StrToHex(Split0x7D(i + 1))): frmMain.W3ClanList.ListItems(ListCount).ToolTipText = MakeLongIconName(StrToHex(Split0x7D(i + 1))) & " Status : Online"
If Len(Split0x7D(i + 1)) = 1 Then frmMain.W3ClanList.ListItems(ListCount).ListSubItems.Add , , , 75: frmMain.W3ClanList.ListItems(ListCount).ToolTipText = MakeLongIconName(StrToHex(Split0x7D(i + 1))) & " Status : Offline"
End If
Case "02"
Peon1 = Peon1 + 1
Peon2 = Peon2 + 1
ListCount = Grunt
If Split0x7D(i + 1) <> vbNullString Then
frmMain.W3ClanList.ListItems.Add ListCount, , Split0x7D(i), , GetW3ClanIconCode(Asc(Split0x7D(i + 1)))
If Len(Split0x7D(i + 1)) <> 1 Then frmMain.W3ClanList.ListItems(ListCount).ListSubItems.Add , , , GetW3ClanStatusCode(StrToHex(Split0x7D(i + 1))): frmMain.W3ClanList.ListItems(ListCount).ToolTipText = MakeLongIconName(StrToHex(Split0x7D(i + 1))) & " Status : Online"
If Len(Split0x7D(i + 1)) = 1 Then frmMain.W3ClanList.ListItems(ListCount).ListSubItems.Add , , , 75: frmMain.W3ClanList.ListItems(ListCount).ToolTipText = MakeLongIconName(StrToHex(Split0x7D(i + 1))) & " Status : Offline"
End If
Case "01"
Peon2 = Peon2 + 1
ListCount = Peon1
If Split0x7D(i + 1) <> vbNullString Then
frmMain.W3ClanList.ListItems.Add ListCount, , Split0x7D(i), , GetW3ClanIconCode(Asc(Split0x7D(i + 1)))
If Len(Split0x7D(i + 1)) <> 1 Then frmMain.W3ClanList.ListItems(ListCount).ListSubItems.Add , , , GetW3ClanStatusCode(StrToHex(Split0x7D(i + 1))): frmMain.W3ClanList.ListItems(ListCount).ToolTipText = MakeLongIconName(StrToHex(Split0x7D(i + 1))) & " Status : Online"
If Len(Split0x7D(i + 1)) = 1 Then frmMain.W3ClanList.ListItems(ListCount).ListSubItems.Add , , , 75: frmMain.W3ClanList.ListItems(ListCount).ToolTipText = MakeLongIconName(StrToHex(Split0x7D(i + 1))) & " Status : Offline"
End If
Case vbNullString
ListCount = Peon2
If Split0x7D(i + 1) = vbNullString Then
frmMain.W3ClanList.ListItems.Add ListCount, , Split0x7D(i), , 80
If Len(Split0x7D(i + 2)) > 0 Then frmMain.W3ClanList.ListItems(ListCount).ListSubItems.Add , , , 74: frmMain.W3ClanList.ListItems(ListCount).ToolTipText = MakeLongIconName(StrToHex(Split0x7D(i + 1))) & " Status : Online"
If Len(Split0x7D(i + 2)) = 0 Then frmMain.W3ClanList.ListItems(ListCount).ListSubItems.Add , , , 75: frmMain.W3ClanList.ListItems(ListCount).ToolTipText = MakeLongIconName(StrToHex(Split0x7D(i + 1))) & " Status : Offline"
End If
End Select
End If
Next i
End Sub

Public Function GetW3ClanIconCode(ByVal Flag As String)
   Select Case Left(Flag, 2)
       Case &H4: GetW3ClanIconCode = 76
       Case &H3: GetW3ClanIconCode = 77
       Case &H2: GetW3ClanIconCode = 78
       Case &H1: GetW3ClanIconCode = 79
       Case &H0: GetW3ClanIconCode = 80
       Case Else
           GetW3ClanIconCode = 80
   End Select
End Function

Public Function GetW3ClanStatusCode(ByVal Length As String)
   Select Case Mid(Length, 3, 2)
   Case "01": GetW3ClanStatusCode = 74
   Case Else: GetW3ClanStatusCode = 75
   End Select
End Function

Public Function MakeLongIconName(ByVal Icon As String) As String
Select Case Mid(Icon, 1, 2)
   Case "04"
   MakeLongIconName = "Cheftain"
   Case "03"
   MakeLongIconName = "Shaman"
   Case "02"
   MakeLongIconName = "Grunt"
   Case "01"
   MakeLongIconName = "Peon (More Than 1 Week)"
   Case "00"
   MakeLongIconName = "Peon (Less Than 1 Week)"
   Case vbNullString
   MakeLongIconName = "Peon (Less Than 1 Week)"
   Case Else
   MakeLongIconName = "Unknown"
   Exit Function
End Select
End Function

If anyone remembers that jerk asking for free 0x7D code, he is the one who scammed me, he proposed a trade and then as I expected ditched me. Just keep in mind everybody, DON'T EVER MAKE TRADE FOR CODE.

Edit: I was scammed by that snake NyKo who probably tried to pull the same thing over on SPHT but failed, I on the otherhand was too gullible to back down. And I know this isn't the most efficient code, but I have decided to quit bot making and just going to become a programmer of random projects. Thanks and peace out.

Edit2: This packet is no longer much of a secret packet anyways, but I am not going to release any other packets because of hard working programmers like SPHT who have worked hard on them and these packets should stay hidden to those who lack the skills to parse them.


Your Tab key screams for attention. Good God.
- Stealth
Author of StealthBot


Quote from: ChR0NiC on April 20, 2004, 11:50 PM
Edit2: This packet is no longer much of a secret packet anyways, but I am not going to release any other packets because of hard working programmers like SPHT who have worked hard on them and these packets should stay hidden to those who lack the skills to parse them.

I didn't know it was ever a secret.  I could post my parsing for everything, but I don't see much point since things it'd display, variables it'd use, or functions it'd call are only specific to the program design it's for, so it might be more confusing than helpful.

Your code is in need of some serious optimizations.

Cookie = dword(Left(Data, 4))
Names = Asc(Mid(Data, 5, 1))
pos = 6
For a = 1 To Names
   Name = Mid(Data, pos, InStr(Mid(Data, pos), vbNullChar) - 1)
   pos = pos + Len(Name) + 1
   Rank = Asc(Mid(Data, pos, 1))
   State = Asc(Mid(Data, pos + 1, 1))
   unknown = Asc(Mid(Data, pos + 2, 1))
   ' Do whatever needs to be done with Name/Rank/State
   pos = pos + 3
Next a


For reference Nyko = Decep7ion@uswest , go and hunt him down =p

Quote from: Mangix on March 22, 2005, 03:03 AM
i am an expert Stealthbot VBScript. Recognize Bitch.


That is quite possible the second-ugliest code I have ever seen.

Only outdone by the Perl Camel.
QuoteEvery generation of humans believed it had all the answers it needed, except for a few mysteries they assumed would be solved at any moment. And they all believed their ancestors were simplistic and deluded. What are the odds that you are the first generation of humans who will understand reality?

After 3 years, it's on the horizon.  The new JinxBot, and BN#, the managed Battle.net Client library.

Quote from: chyea on January 16, 2009, 05:05 PM
You've just located global warming.


Nice packet, but I'm really interested in the details of the scam. Post more!

Soul Taker

Isn't this documented on BnetDocs?  Where's the big secret?


Quote from: Yoni on April 21, 2004, 02:47 AM
Nice packet, but I'm really interested in the details of the scam. Post more!

Me too! Tell us a good story and make us smile!


I'm interested too!  What did you intend to trade?   :o


Quote from: Myndfyre on April 21, 2004, 01:39 AM
That is quite possible the second-ugliest code I have ever seen.

Only outdone by the Perl Camel.

I could really care less, as I only spent about 10 minutes writing it.

Quote from: NuLL on April 21, 2004, 01:23 AM
For reference Nyko = Decep7ion@uswest , go and hunt him down =p

Now it all makes sense, he messaged me on AIM a while ago claiming that I have put hidden backdoors in my programs and starting claiming he knew everything about BNET and I was just a script kiddie, but it shows that he can't even parse 0x7D, even by using a newbie method like mine.

Quote from: Yoni on April 21, 2004, 02:47 AM
Nice packet, but I'm really interested in the details of the scam. Post more!


Once I posted on the forum that I had parsed 0x7D, Nyko messaged me begging for the code, I then asked him, what was in it for me. He offered me, W3 CDKeys, Illegal Names and Mad Chat 2.11 Source Code. Thinking he was desperate I said I would do it, but would not "go first on the trade".

He then said SPHT was gonna help me him anyways, therefore he did not need my help. I then got messaged later and he said the offer is still up, I said what about SPHT helping you, he replied that SPHT was much too busy to help him. I then decided I'd make a deal with him, so I gave him part of my code. He then said, I will not give you the things unless I get the full code.

I felt, this guy really was serious since he had been trying so hard, so I helped him make it work Not giving him my code, he then starting b**ching that it wouldn't work, so I decided just to give him my code. He then started swearing at me, spamming me and warned me up to 35%. Then blocked me on AIM. He spammed messages such as, A**HOLE I GOT YOU HAHAHHAHAHAHA And such....
That's my story

Not very entertaining but.....enjoy.


Quote from: ChR0NiC on April 21, 2004, 05:43 PM
Quote from: Myndfyre on April 21, 2004, 01:39 AM
That is quite possible the second-ugliest code I have ever seen.
Quote from: NuLL on April 21, 2004, 01:23 AM
For reference Nyko = Decep7ion@uswest , go and hunt him down =p

Now it all makes sense, he messaged me on AIM a while ago claiming that I have put hidden backdoors in my programs and starting claiming he knew everything about BNET and I was just a script kiddie, but it shows that he can't even parse 0x7D, even by using a newbie method like mine.

Take your flaming to some other forum.


Yes my master, my lord, I shall obey your every command.


Good story with a moral at the end.  :)  Did you learn your lesson?

Quote from: ChR0NiC on April 21, 2004, 05:43 PM
he then starting b**ching that it wouldn't work,
I think I woulda just ignored/blocked him after that.  He obviously didn't appreciate your help.  I don't know why but you said your response to that was you did this:

Quote from: ChR0NiC on April 21, 2004, 05:43 PM
so I decided just to give him my code.



That's what you get when trying to trade for stupid things like "illys" and cdkeys. That code isn't anything special and the whole thing is not a big deal.


Thanks for the story. Now, what is this packet?