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umm y does clan [vl] hate me?

Started by Fpa, February 03, 2003, 07:19 PM

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i dont get it
 >:(everytime i join your channel for a lil help.. im banned within 2 min of doing nothing...
makes no sense..
question: is it possible my bnls got deleted? i cant log on no more

im coding a bot and all of a sudden i cant log on bnls and i keep gettin banned from yur chan..
though u guys were cool..
well skywing sure is..he gave me my bnls b4 it "expired"
HELP! :-/


srry bout my last post..
but this is my last resort before i give up on bnet bot coding
y does bad shit always turn up on me..


Quoteim banned within 2 min of doing nothing...
Why would you join the channel for help, and then do nothing?

Quotethis is my last resort before i give up on bnet bot coding
If you gave up on bnet bot coding, that means we wouldn't have to answer your questions... hmmmm... I like that idea :P

Quotey does bad shit always turn up on me..
Good question. ??? ::)
Macintosh programmer and enthusiast.
Battle.net Bot Programming: http://www.bash.org/?240059
I can write programs. Can you right them?



Clan [vL] is for Valhalla Legends members.  End of that discussion.

BOTDEV forum is moderated by Spht for Battle.Net Bot Development issues.

If you cannot keep those two things straight, you'll have a difficult time writing a bot.


And one other thing, please learn to spell.. I can't stand reading posts or listening to people in the channel who can't spell a single word right.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quotequestion: is it possible my bnls got deleted? i cant log on no more
It is certainly possible that your BNLS account was deleted.  The functionality of deleting BNLS accounts is well implemented in the program.

You did not clearly specify the name of your BNLS account. I looked up "Fpa" and this account exists, but with no logins in the past week or so. If this is your account, maybe you forgot the password? (Note that it is case-sensitive.)


ok.. now that i kno im not welcom in clan [vl] that awnser my 1st question...

thnx yoni.. the reason y i wondered was bcuz wasnt connecting.. i assumed it was the account.. ill debug my code again..

p.s is there a way to compare my pass? im sure i have right one. btw, yes accnt is "Fpa"



OK, that spelling was a joke, right?
<please say yes>  ;D
^-----silly Brit

Banana fanna fo fanna

Skywing is just nice cause you wanted a bnls account so he can cull your cdkey ;)


yep ^^
i dont like my jokes either...
no skywing is cool because he made me a bnls account and ive had no problems with my cdkeys! so dont blame him for your problem?


Quoteyep ^^
i dont like my jokes either...
no skywing is cool because he made me a bnls account and ive had no problems with my cdkeys! so dont blame him for your problem?

Good point, St0rm is crazy.

Anyway, topic locked since this isn't totally BotDev-related.