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Started by Grok, February 04, 2003, 07:17 PM

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So now that BnetDocs is live, is every other person going to reply to every other bot development question with "its on bnetdocs" instead of helping them with an open discussion?


hmm... better check up on bnetdocs for the answer to that one


Heh. I hope not.

What I think would be great is if people check for the information they need on bnetdocs first, and come here to discuss it, or its implementation, or if they don't find it.

Addition: Also, obviously, to discuss new & interesting things about battle.net, new ideas, projects, features, and changes!


Me! Me! Wheres it talk about profiles?  ???


Thus do we want Bnetdocs to usurp the learning and discovery process which people may prefer?  Rather than post here with a few questions of targeted interest, we're going to point them to a collection of documents (that they cannot see all of, anyway) which is a smorgasbĂ´rd of battle.net botmaking knowledge?

Q:  umm how do i..
A:  BnetDocs

Q:  what if i want to..
A:  BnetDocs

Q:  what does this do?
A:  STFU and BnetDocs

Let me know so I can point the botdev forum link to BnetDocs.


The Godlike Grok has a point. Perhaps BnetDocs needs to be limited to people who've actually proven they actually know how to make a bot, and not just act like they do?
Macintosh programmer and enthusiast.
Battle.net Bot Programming: http://www.bash.org/?240059
I can write programs. Can you right them?



I dont' think that's such a good idea to limit access to BnetDocs.  For me, I definitely haven't "proved" much.  I've read a lot of things online and have figured out a bunch on my own, but I'm still learning.  I am in the process of writing my own bot(independent of BNLS) and having something to confirm my analysis of packets with is really useful.  I am quite busy so having this resource availiable is really helpful.



If people really want to learn, they'll learn on their own regardless of if BNetDocs exists, otherwise they'll use them and give up when they realize that they're way over their head.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I'm not saying limit it or not limit it.  Just trying to point out that BotDev could start boiling down to two answers:

1) STFU newbie, idiot, you suck
2) BnetDocs

And then what would be the purpose of the forum?


Discusson, help, advice, and the formulation of new ideas.

I made bnetdocs because I was so irritated that there's only enough information publicly available for people to get a small taster - and not enough for them to get their teeth into anything. The reason not everything is displayed is precisely as you've said - So that the learning and discovery process isn't removed alltogether.

I don't think there's anything wrong with the free sharing of information, with good documentation and accurate information available to all. It's what the Internet's all about.

I'd rather bnetdocs was here than 234878234 lame ripoffs of other people's code.

Mesiah / haiseM

What you should do, is keep bnetdocs up, and for posting comments and things, point it to this forum to create a new thread based on the topic in bnetdocs, this way the botdevelopers who have questions on something on bnetdocs, can still be greatly discussed here.

and as for the questions and answers, you see alot of programming specific questions here, and bnetdocs is just protocol references and explinations, so if they have a detailed question, they will (hopefully) come here.

and maybe arta should put a few links to the botdev forum in bnetdocs, and throw in a statement telling the users to come here for detailed questions and stuff...
]HighBrow Innovations
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Hey arta, I have a question about your site.  How come with each refresh of the logon sequences page, there are different amount of the logons coming up.  What I mean is that logons aren't loading up all the way.  

I don't know if it's fixable or if it would be difficult to fix, but could you possibily try to fix that?



It's a known issue but there's nothing I can do about it at the moment, sorry. Jsut refresh the page a bit and it should eventually load completely.


well dont disguss weather to limit it or not if you wanna limit the shit take it down for christ sakes its ur site not everyone elses be like me and say "Its all about me so fuck you"

Mesiah / haiseM

if it was all about him, it wouldnt have user's and stuff, obviously he knows everything on there, so its definatly for public use.

as for how its run, if you want to have a public site, its ideal to take into consideration the opinions of the people (if they are within reasonable reach), IMO.
]HighBrow Innovations
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