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Chat EventID info

Started by gotcha_ass, February 04, 2003, 11:39 AM

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Does anyone have the info on the chat protocol's eventIDs?  I really just need when they are sent and the data contained, I could guess but then I'd probablly guess wrong.


Is it so hard to just connect with Telnet and copy down the events you see as you get them? It's sent in raw data so it shouldn't be too hard at all.


It is for me considering I dont know how.  Would you please explain??


Start -> Run -> Telnet.exe

Connect to useast.battle.net, uswest.battle.net, europe.battle.net, or asia.battle.net on port 6112.

Once you're connected, press Ctrl-C then type in your login information once you're prompted to. The messages you receive after that are events and the first four bytes in each message is the event ID.


ok, what does  the 0000 and the [D2DV] mean in :

1002 JOIN groggytoad 0000 [D2DV]        


That's his flags. Look up flags meanings on Arta's BnetDocs at http://www.valhallalegends.com/arta/bnetdocs


And the [D2DV], I know its the client, but whats it sent for?? Icons??


Icons and server data. Also data for your bot do you know what he's using.


server data?


What is the EID 2010 for. Is it sent after the login is accepted??


Server data = DATA FOR THE SERVER!  :P


hmm thats really cool. It helped me out a lot with how to parse the data based on events. Thanks


wat about the info sent, after you log on?


Well the Case 2010 must mean an approved login. Is that what you were asking?

Mesiah / haiseM

2010 is indeed login packet.
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