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help with Kick and Ban

Started by DeSigN, February 09, 2003, 03:47 PM

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I need a code to do Ban and Kick This is what i have
If LCase(Left(What, 5)) = Trigger & "ban " Then SendChat "/ban & Mid(What, 6, Len(What) - 5)"
If LCase(Left(What, 6)) = Trigger & "kick " Then SendChat "/kick & Mid(What, 7, Len(What) - 6)"

Can someone please fix that or give me a new working one?


what's the value of What ?

Mesiah / haiseM


If LCase(Left(What, 5)) = Trigger & "ban " Then SendChat "/ban & Mid(What, 6, Len(What) - 5)"

If LCase(Left(What, 6)) = Trigger & "kick " Then SendChat "/kick & Mid(What, 7, Len(What) - 6)"

if mid(lcase(what), 5) = trigger & "ban " then sendchat "/ban & mid(what, 6)

]HighBrow Innovations
Coming soon...

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Doesn't seem to me like it would work



Sub is
Public Sub ChatIn(who, What)

Mesiah / haiseM

it would work, but he parsed things a tad bit weird, but we got it.
]HighBrow Innovations
Coming soon...

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Thanks Mesiah, everything is working now


Dim what2say As String
If Username = csetup.master.Text And LCase(Left(Message, 6)) = csetup.trigger.Text + "kick " Then
what2say = Mid(Message, InStr(Message, " ") + 1)
CleanSlateBot1.Send "/kick " & what2say
end if