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copy'd! (Read; Your clan could be next!!)

Started by Moonshine, April 01, 2004, 10:53 PM

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20:51:49) <Moonshine.fe> /who op zodiaclegends
(20:51:49) Info: Users in channel Op ZodiacLegends:
(20:51:49) Info: [ZODIACLEGENDS]

(20:52:01) <Moonshine.fe> /who op fatal-vengeance
(20:52:01) Info: Users in channel Op Fatal-Vengeance:
(20:52:01) Info: [FATAL-VENGEANCE], Linux]Fv[
(20:52:01) Info: MosDef, HeLLy
(20:52:01) Info: BrimStoner

Watch out! Which clan will mephisto copy next?  hahaha... ::)


Well, he could try doing [Fl] or something!

Fallen Limbs

Wait, he could try to be [FC]!

Fallen Council

Wait!  .fi


Oh no!  [gL]!

good Lord.

If any of you understand why he does what he does, feel free to express yourself.  I don't understand his intentions at all.


He attempts to join every clan he finds out about and those that either don't let him in or let him in and then later kick him out, he copies.


Maybe he'll do Nefarious Nobles!

Or R@W!


[7:08:29 PM] ZalhallaLegends has joined the channel with a ping of 31 ms using Starcraft: Brood War (3 wins)

Has mephisto struck again?!
- Newby

Quote[17:32:45] * xar sets mode: -oooooooooo algorithm ban chris cipher newby stdio TehUser tnarongi|away vursed warz
[17:32:54] * xar sets mode: +o newby
[17:32:58] <xar> new rule
[17:33:02] <xar> me and newby rule all

Quote<TehUser> Man, I can't get Xorg to work properly.  This sucks.
<torque> you should probably kill yourself
<TehUser> I think I will.  Thanks, torque.


ZalhallaLegends, What does that remind you of..



First, for Fatal Vengeance.  I'm sure Moonshine was thinking it had to do with posting Fatal Error.  Well, there's more than just one clan with Fatal in it.  Additionally, we have completely different tags/focus.  So really, I don't see your point on *posing.*

As for Zodiac Legends -- I can see where you might think we're *posing* what with the same tag, and similar name.  Well actually, it wasn't my sole idea to change from Zodiac Lords to Zodiac Legends, but in the end it fit us best for our logo plans that never went through.  Additionally, [zL] and [vL] are completely different.  Also, why did you forget [xL] Moonshine?  *cough*


Oh yeah, [zL] and [vL] are a whole 3 ord's different.

Why are you changing the subject to [xL]? You blaming them for the tag is the same as everyone blaming you for your tag, are you admitting that it is the same?

vL has stated that they are slightly flattered, but don't care, so drop it?
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


Personally, I do care. Not in a way that I'm upset by it, but I tend to look down upon those who copy. I like original ideas, doing the same thing someone else already did doesn't appeal to me.

This applies to picking website designs, clan names and clan tags as well as anything else. Someone picking a name/tag/design that's obviously copied, and not giving a good reason (one that I can understand and that makes sense to me) for it, will be rated down in my mind.

It's a bit like that guy with the bad spelling who is posting, asking for someone with skill to program his game for him, for free. He's making a bad impression, and so are those who copy.

This applies to those who copy code/projects/hex bots as well. I'll be biased against you.

Of course, copying a good design and clearly stating that you've done so - that you've looked upon something, liked it and reused it - can be a different thing. Some things deserve reusing.

In my opinion, that mostly doesn't apply to copying web site designs and color schemes. Web sites are typically designed to profile you, to make you unique. Unless you're building a network of similar and cooperating sites (say all of Microsoft's sites, who share a color scheme) picking your own site design is a good idea.

Sharing site design in a webring of cooperating sites, where all sites agree on sharing the design, and do it to make it easier for people to navigate, that's a good thing. Cooperating and complementing sites get a larger total number of visitors than a single site might get.

Making a competing site using the same design as the original is not - that just indicates you're out of ideas yourself, and trying to redirect some of the visitors from the original site.

There I go, a lot of rambling... This is all about how I feel, I don't know about everyone else. Perhaps I'm unique in feeling this way. Feel free to comment :)


Quote from: Mephisto on April 08, 2004, 12:18 AM
... Additionally, we have completely different tags...

Heh, no see I think this time you combined ideas for your tag.

.fe + [vL] = ]Fv[ :P you took the first two letters from each clan, then took the brackets from vL, but put them on backwards.


We're nothing without our tag.

Sounds ridiculous right?  Because it is ridiculous.  Swap out our three dozen cherry-picked members with the same number of random battle.net users, even keeping our tag, website, and rules, and we're no longer Valhalla Legends.

Change our rules, keep our members, we're still vL.

I think that pretty well illustrates what cannot be copied.


What happened to the period!!?

Now if they were Fatal Legends or Valhalla Error, I'd be worried.  *hmm*
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV: