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Started by ChR0NiC, March 16, 2004, 01:46 AM

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I am trying to send 0x06 to BNLS but I am not getting a response from BNLS. So I am guessing I am sending it incorrectly....

(DWORD[16])  Data from SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTCHANGE (0x55).

Case &H0 = Change Accepted (According to the BNLS ProtoSpec)

Case &H0
AddChat vbGreen, "Change accepted!"
With pBuffer
.InsertNonNTString Mid(Data, 8)
.SendBNLSPacket &H6
End With

The place where the data starts to where the data ends is 64 characters long and it is 16 DWORDS. This of course starting at Mid(Data, 8 ) and I send BNLS Packet &H6....so I don't know why I am not getting a response....does anyone know why?

Please don't suggest that I packet log W3 as I do not own the game....thanks


I'm pretty sure BNLS responds, even if you send wrong data, then it would probably hash that bad data and send it back.  Or, it would close the connection.. Like I said, I highly doubt you'll get no response at all from BNLS.


ok well.......I just specified the length and it works now.....
but I wasn't getting any response before......

Case &H0
AddChat vbGreen, "Change accepted!"
With pBuffer
.InsertNonNTString Mid(Data, 8, 64)
.SendBNLSPacket &H6
End With


The server will not process the contents of your message until it has received all of the data associated with that message.