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Started by steven summers, February 22, 2003, 06:33 PM

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steven summers

y does the bot always say perfromaning illeagl operations


/me recovers
Ok.. what bot are we talking about here, Steven?
اگر بتوانید این را بهخوابید ، من را "پی ام" کنید

steven summers



when does it happen?

steven summer

all the time it doesnt connect to b.net


this happens when you press the connect button or when you open the bot itself?

steven summers

when i press connect it does it

steven summers

i also have ultimate bot but i dont know how to work it which one is easier huk or ultimate which bot is better


IceKing's bot has allways been a good bot, but it is a chat bot so it depends on if you want to use the public channel system or not.

and this thread went way off topic 8\

Banana fanna fo fanna


This first post belongs in the Hall of Fame.

If we don't have a Hall of Fame we should make one.


This post *so* shouldn't be here. It's just unreal.