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Started by Camel, February 22, 2003, 11:16 AM

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this is a thing i made about a year ago for people who couldnt figgure out how the hell to make userlists
it'll parse the statstring for you, so all you have to do is userlist.adduser and pass it the statstring ping and flags. or, you can parse it yourself and tell it what to add.

Case &HF 'in channel crap
    Dim UserName As String: UserName = Mid(strData, 29, InStr(29, strData, Chr(0)) - 29)
    Dim FLAGS As Long:      FLAGS = Asc(Mid(strData, 9, 1))
    Dim Chat As String:     Chat = Mid(strData, 29 + Len(UserName) + 1, Len(strData) - 1): If Right(Chat, 1) = Chr(0) Then Chat = Left(Chat, Len(Chat) - 1)
    Dim Ping As Long:       Ping = CVI(Mid(strData, 13, 2))
    Select Case Asc(Mid(strData, 5, 1))
        Case 1 'user list
            frmMain.UL.AddUser UserName, , Chat, FLAGS, Ping
        Case 2 'user join
            frmMain.UL.AddUser UserName, , Chat, FLAGS, Ping
        Case 3 'user part
            frmMain.UL.RemoveUser UserName


why on earth would you make that an ocx?! that has to be the most useless thing ever

and from this we conclude, anyone who can make a binary bot not a channel list obviously shouldn't be making a bot (and didn't make the binary bot)


because it does a hell of a lot more than just the userlist?
it parses statstrings n shit

[edit] and, because some people are lazy and want to focus on the actual bot part of the bot, not the ui

Banana fanna fo fanna

[edit] and, because some people are lazy and want to focus on the actual bot part of the bot, not the ui

Well they wouldn't be using VB then.

And the C++ users could do it in 5 seconds.


hey, people have to learn somehow
bnls was a horrible idea too, but that doesnt meant people aren't using it


you should at least give the source to the ocx
I am back! aINC is dead, ThinkTank PRO is alive.
VB, JAVA, ASM, C, its all yummy to me.


One thing I find interesting about the programming community on bnet is that anything new, and original, and made by some person nobody knows is automatically rendered pointless/stupid/crap etc. His ocx is similar to cupheads. Cupheads does the battle.net related things, and this guys does the listview things. There's really no difference. I also enjoy reading Noodlez's replies, because they always include something similar to the phrase - "if the person can't do ___________, then they obviously didnt create that bot!" That's so much crap. There's so many reasons why that's crap, also. I know where Noodlez started out, and it's the same place that he's currently making fun of others for starting out at as well - hypocrite.

All in all - keep programming, camel. These people don't know what they're doing anyways.


Quotehey, people have to learn somehow
bnls was a horrible idea too, but that doesnt meant people aren't using it
:o What's so horrible about BNLS?


BNLS is obviously bad because you aren't distributing it as a DLL and shared object, with source for both. ;)
[19:20:23] (BotNet) <[vL]Kp> Any idiot can make a bot with CSB, and many do!


QuoteOne thing I find interesting about the programming community on bnet is that anything new, and original, and made by some person nobody knows is automatically rendered pointless/stupid/crap etc. His ocx is similar to cupheads. Cupheads does the battle.net related things, and this guys does the listview things. There's really no difference. I also enjoy reading Noodlez's replies, because they always include something similar to the phrase - "if the person can't do ___________, then they obviously didnt create that bot!" That's so much crap. There's so many reasons why that's crap, also. I know where Noodlez started out, and it's the same place that he's currently making fun of others for starting out at as well - hypocrite.

All in all - keep programming, camel. These people don't know what they're doing anyways.

Camel is not an unknowen programer he is also one of the regular posters from Robocop's old B.Net bot development board which was at http://botsrus.net-games.com.


QuoteCamel is not an unknowen programer he is also one of the regular posters from Robocop's old B.Net bot development board which was at http://botsrus.net-games.com.
The old botdev forum wasn't affiliated with Bots R Us, IIRC.


I would also like to know what was so "horrible" about BNLS. and WARZ you make a good point.


Quote:o What's so horrible about BNLS?
i dont mean it's badly written or anything. it's the idea of giving people a step up because their brains are too underdeveloped or they havn't learned enough to comprehend some concepts at the current moment. if i were to start all over, i wouldnt need that ocx file i wrote. in fact, the only reason i wrote it in the first place was because my code became spaghetti through too many refrences to the userlist. but having the ocx even now is damn nice. in fact, that control doesnt even use a listview control; it's made up of dynamicly loaded picture controls and lables. even that scrollbar is its own control. the only thing i've changed in the past year was the war3 icon; the only thing i would change now is maby add a way to list the users on it. when i made it, i didnt know what the hell a listview was. and to be honest, i still cant figgure out how the hell to put a lag icon on there, because i dont care enough to put the five or six mintues in to it that it would take.

and atom: i would be somewhat of a hypocrit if i released the source. i didn't release it so that people could learn from it. when i designed it, i was only learning myself. i would never suggest anybody take the same approach i did. sure, it worked out well, but it uses misleading concepts. one would be much better off trying to figgure that sort of thing out with the listview. this control is for people who cant/dont want to do it on their own. the purpose of open source software is so that people can learn, not become confused. if the source for BNLS were to be leaked, it would wreak havoc across the newbie programmer communities. sort of the same with this, only to a lesser extent.

edit: proofreading helps


QuoteThe old botdev forum wasn't affiliated with Bots R Us, IIRC.

you know what i ment 8p


Quoteit's the idea of giving people a step up because their brains are too underdeveloped or they havn't learned enough to comprehend some concepts at the current moment.
Have you ever tried to duplicate the Warcraft 3 logon sequences without using BNLS? Even with advanced knowledge of assembly and lots of experience in disassembling and reverse engineering, it takes a long time. BNLS greatly simplifies the process.

(The same goes for all other logon sequences - it's just that Warcraft 3 is the only one whose source code isn't openly available elsewhere, thus it is the most worthy of mentioning.)