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Driving Rants

Started by Grok, March 09, 2004, 11:47 AM

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ive got a black 1990 Camaro RS, pumpin a clean 275 hp with a stock v6, which has been mod'd slightly ;] and trust me grok if your doing 75 and im behind you, i wont be for long :}
Quote from: l]ante on March 15, 2004, 11:40 AM
You learned 8 languages in 8 months?
Geez, go code a life.


This took place about 6 years ago, but my mom was driving down highway 99 west, towards Newberg, and there was this jeep infront of her.  The speed limit was 45mph, and there was a light ahead about 3 blocks away, so this women infront of us speeds up.  While my mom is about 3 feet away from her bumper but still behind her, she gets right on the light and does a dead stop, mind you the light is green, not red.  My mom slams on the breaks cursing, and bumps this women's back bumper, barely, she hit it at about roughly 5-7mph.  Nothing big right, but this women and her friend decide that they are seriously injuired.  And think that since normally if someone hits you in the back, it's their fault.  Well there is police there at the scene and my mom is going this is stupid and tells the cop that the women is probably faking the injuries.  The women in the car then proclaims that she is seriously injured and requires an ambulance, and that she needs a stretcher and she can't move her neck.  And her friend starts to go along with her, even though her friend did get out of the car prior to the polices arrivel.  So my mom and I both fill out a police report while this dumbass women and her friend are being driven away in an ambulance.  The police officer then takes the reports of the other eye witnesses of the scene and allows us to go on our way.  Well needless to say that we never heard from the cop ever again, or the women's insurance company.  So I'm guessing she did the whole ambulance thing for nothing and she had one hefty bill to pay for being a dumbass.  (Riding in an ambulance is expensive!)

People are fucking greedy.
