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What do you think of this?

Started by Mitosis, March 03, 2004, 06:07 PM

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2 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 4


Today on my bus ride home, a kid who sits infront of me and started yelling stuff at me like "You're a nerd, you like computers and thats all you do". Im like no, then he kept cussing at me so I hit him to shut him up. But what I wanna know is whats wrong with learning and liking computers? They are like the futures technology so whats so bad about them? Give your opinions/thoughts on this.


I get in fights all the time (usually with my computer teacher). Umm, Nobody should call you a "nerd" because you are more computer literate than them. It's really none of their business what you do, correct?

the other day at school this kid kept calling me fag, because of how I dress. I really didn't care. Until a few days ago he started calling my cell phone at obsence hours usually when I'm sleeping and it tends to wake me up, and all I hear is "fag, fag fag fag" repeated for usually a minute and then he hangs up. Well, I warned him. I got suspended for 11 days, he got taken to JDC, and probably expelled. Anyways, I don't believe standing up for your hobbies is wrong, so go ahead. Kick his ass.

Note: Always claim he hit you first in fights.


Haha, memories!

Just remember that in 15 years, that guy will be opening the door for you and making 1/5 your salary.  You'll be rolling in money, travel, and fun times.  You'll be well educated because you never skipped school and stayed on top of your studies.

Then, in 15 years, you can honestly say you don't feel sorry for him one bit.  Remind him of the days he would poke fun of you, and ask him who the loser is now.


Mitosis, review the timeline:
Today: "You're a nerd, you like computers and thats all you do."
In 10 years: "Would you like some fries with that?"
See also: http://maddox.xmission.com/dumbassjocks.html
Edit: Hehe, what Grok said. :)

Sniffer: You suck. The forum regulars will testify that I rarely ever say this, so consider yourself special.


go for the eye's.....

anyways , its not too bad here in Australia. Your actually looked up to , to an extent , Generally if you help someone with a computer related issue there greatful.
Quote from: Mangix on March 22, 2005, 03:03 AM
i am an expert Stealthbot VBScript. Recognize Bitch.


Just don't give a fuck what people think. It rids alot of the stress.
To lazy for slackware.


I'd say yes, it's stupid.  Whenever I've been called a nerd, I say something like "Yeah, and I'm proud of it".  Hitting them is just stupid.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Yeah well iago, he kept on bitchin and wouldnt shut up so...Yeah but I dont get it, earlier in the morning bus ride he was talking to me about computers then he has this big mood swing on the way home. Thats what I dont get.


He sounds like an idiot who isn't worth wasting your time on.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Just tell him to eat your shorts, then look him clear in the eyes, and say, "Bag my groceries!"

Banana fanna fo fanna

Or not. Middle school sucks; don't be his bitch. Kick his ass.

In high school, no one gives a shit. It rocks.


Agree with him, it makes people really mad if you go along with it and then they eventually shut up because they look like an ass. I've done that plenty of times, it's quite funny when they have nothing else to say. :)


Continuing with what Grok said, my grandfather sent me this link. It really shows how much having an education pays off, just make sure to not be modest and go back to the local gas station/farm fresh/whatever and brag about it in ~15 years. :P
