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[VB6] Adding Multiple Icons to a ListView

Started by guest!, March 02, 2003, 11:23 AM

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I was wondering if there is any way i would be able to add two icons to a listview item
for example,

PRoductIconHere Username LagIconHere
ive tried many different ways but cant figure it out, plz help

[edit 4-14-05: updated title]


   With lvUsers.ListItems.add(, Acct, Acct) 'sName)
        .SmallIcon = GetIcon(StatStr, Flags)
        .ListSubItems.add , , Ping, LagBars(GetLag(Ping, Flags))
    End With


Quote    With lvUsers.ListItems.add(, Acct, Acct) 'sName)
        .SmallIcon = GetIcon(StatStr, Flags)
        .ListSubItems.add , , Ping, LagBars(GetLag(Ping, Flags))
    End With
wouldn't    With lvUsers
                .ListItems.add(, Acct, Acct) 'sName)
                .SmallIcon = GetIcon(StatStr, Flags)
                .ListSubItems.add , , Ping, LagBars(GetLag(Ping, Flags))
    End With
be the proper way? you had with lvusers and .listitems in the same line, if u were gonna do that then take out the with :/


uh no, anyways in order to actually answer your question, go to custom under the listview's propertys and add a new column then do what the first guy said
I am back! aINC is dead, ThinkTank PRO is alive.
VB, JAVA, ASM, C, its all yummy to me.


both of those dont work..


Quotewouldn't    With lvUsers
                .ListItems.add(, Acct, Acct) 'sName)
                .SmallIcon = GetIcon(StatStr, Flags)
                .ListSubItems.add , , Ping, LagBars(GetLag(Ping, Flags))
    End With
be the proper way? you had with lvusers and .listitems in the same line, if u were gonna do that then take out the with :/

no, lvUsers.ListItems.add returns a ListItem object. you have to set <listsubitem>.SmallIcon to the product icon, and <listitem>.ListSubItems(whatever).ReportIcon to the ping icon
my code was correct. if you wanted to clean it up, you could do something like:

dim li as ListItem
set li = lvUsers.ListItemas.Add(, Acct, Acct)
li.SmallIcon = ...
li.ListSubItems.Add ...

your first line of code would be correct, but after that it would not work:
lvUsers.SmallIcon = GetIcon(StatStr, Flags)
lvUsers.ListSubItems.add , , Ping, LagBars(GetLag(Ping, Flags))
a listview doesn't even have those properties


I get an error saying "Index Out Of Bounds"
while doing that


Ahh, scratch out the above message (posted by me)
When i do that it shows the item like it normally would (no lagicon)
  Dim li As ListItem
  Set li = ChannelList.ListItems.add(, username, username)
  li.SmallIcon = icon
  li.ListSubItems.add , , , laGicon


QuoteAhh, scratch out the above message (posted by me)
When i do that it shows the item like it normally would (no lagicon)
  Dim li As ListItem
  Set li = ChannelList.ListItems.add(, username, username)
  li.SmallIcon = icon
  li.ListSubItems.add , , , laGicon

make sure you have your imagelists set up correctly. the product icon ("icon" in your code) comes from the imagelist assigned to smallicon, but the lag icon ("laGicon") comes from the ReportIcon image list (it is possible to use the same imagelist for both, but you need to make sure your code is correct in aquiring the icon's number)

the other problem could be that you don't have enough columns set up.


All my code is correct for geticon and getlagcode, and i have 4 colums in my channellist. The imagelist is all the same, (all of the icons are in one list)

Here is my module3 ' get icon & lag codes '

'Image Constants
Public Const ICON_GAVEL    As Integer = 1
Public Const ICON_CHAT     As Integer = 2
Public Const ICON_DRTL     As Integer = 3
Public Const ICON_DSHR     As Integer = 4
Public Const ICON_D2DV     As Integer = 5
Public Const ICON_STAR     As Integer = 6
Public Const ICON_SSHR     As Integer = 7
Public Const ICON_SPAWN    As Integer = 8
Public Const ICON_SEXP     As Integer = 9
Public Const ICON_W2BN     As Integer = 10
Public Const ICON_JSTR     As Integer = 11
Public Const ICON_QUES     As Integer = 12
Public Const ICON_D2XP     As Integer = 13
Public Const ICON_SQUELCH  As Integer = 14
Public Const ICON_LAG1     As Integer = 15
Public Const ICON_LAG2     As Integer = 16
Public Const ICON_LAG3     As Integer = 17
Public Const ICON_LAG4     As Integer = 18
Public Const ICON_LAG5     As Integer = 19
Public Const ICON_LAG6     As Integer = 20
Public Const ICON_PLUG     As Integer = 21
Public Const ICON_ROG0     As Integer = 22
Public Const ICON_ROG1     As Integer = 23
Public Const ICON_ROG2     As Integer = 24
Public Const ICON_ROG3     As Integer = 25
Public Const ICON_SOR0     As Integer = 26
Public Const ICON_SOR1     As Integer = 27
Public Const ICON_SOR2     As Integer = 28
Public Const ICON_SOR3     As Integer = 29
Public Const ICON_WAR0     As Integer = 30
Public Const ICON_WAR1     As Integer = 31
Public Const ICON_WAR2     As Integer = 32
Public Const ICON_WAR3     As Integer = 33
Public Const ICON_SC0W     As Integer = 34
Public Const ICON_SC1W     As Integer = 35
Public Const ICON_SC2W     As Integer = 36
Public Const ICON_SC3W     As Integer = 37
Public Const ICON_SC4W     As Integer = 38
Public Const ICON_SC5W     As Integer = 39
Public Const ICON_SC6W     As Integer = 40
Public Const ICON_SC7W     As Integer = 41
Public Const ICON_SC8W     As Integer = 42
Public Const ICON_SC9W     As Integer = 43
Public Const ICON_SC10W    As Integer = 44
Public Const ICON_SCL      As Integer = 45
Public Const ICON_SCT10    As Integer = 46
Public Const ICON_SC       As Integer = 47
Public Const ICON_WC0W     As Integer = 48
Public Const ICON_WC1W     As Integer = 49
Public Const ICON_WC2W     As Integer = 50
Public Const ICON_WC3W     As Integer = 51
Public Const ICON_WC4W     As Integer = 52
Public Const ICON_WC5W     As Integer = 53
Public Const ICON_WC6W     As Integer = 54
Public Const ICON_WC7W     As Integer = 55
Public Const ICON_WC8W     As Integer = 56
Public Const ICON_WC9W     As Integer = 57
Public Const ICON_WC10W    As Integer = 58
Public Const ICON_WCL      As Integer = 59
Public Const ICON_JSTRSPAWN    As Integer = 60
Public Const ICON_3RAW As Integer = 61
Public Const ICON_BLIZZ     As Integer = 62
Public Const ICON_GLASSES  As Integer = 63
Public Const ICON_SYSOP    As Integer = 64
Public Const ICON_CBOT    As Integer = 65
Public Const ICON_SKULL    As Integer = 66

'Flags Constants
Public Const BNFLAGS_BLIZZ = &H1
Public Const BNFLAGS_OP = &H2
Public Const BNFLAGS_SPKR = &H4
Public Const BNFLAGS_SYSOP = &H8
Public Const BNFLAGS_PLUG = &H10
Public Const BNFLAGS_SQUELCH = &H20
Public Const BNFLAGS_GLASSES = &H40
Public Function GetIconCode(Optional ByVal Client As String, Optional ByVal Flags As Long) As Integer
Dim Code As Integer
Dim pA() As String
Dim Spawn As Integer
Dim stats As Boolean
On Error GoTo GetIconCode_Error
If Len(Client) > 4 Then stats = True
If Len(Client) <> 0 Then
statstring = Client

        GetIconCode = ICON_BLIZZ
        Exit Function
    ElseIf (BNFLAGS_OP And Flags) = BNFLAGS_OP Then
        GetIconCode = ICON_GAVEL
        Exit Function
        GetIconCode = ICON_SYSOP
        Exit Function
        GetIconCode = ICON_SQUELCH
        Exit Function
        GetIconCode = ICON_GLASSES
        Exit Function
    ElseIf Flags = 48 Then
        GetIconCode = ICON_SQUELCH
        Exit Function
    ElseIf Flags = 0 Then: GoTo Product
    End If
Select Case Mid(Client, 1, 4)
  Case "TAHC"
      Code = ICON_CHAT
  Case "RATS"
      Code = ICON_STAR
  Case "RTSJ"
      Code = ICON_JSTR
      If stats Then
      pA = Split(Mid(Client, 6), " ", 10)
      Spawn = Val(pA(3))
      If Spawn = 1 Then Code = ICON_JSTRSPAWN
      End If
  Case "RHSS"
      Code = ICON_SSHR
  Case "3WAR"
      Code = ICON_WAR3e
  Case "VD2D"
      Code = ICON_D2DV
  Case "RHSD"
      Code = ICON_DSHR
  Case "3RAW"
      Code = ICON_3RAW
  Case "PX2D"
      Code = ICON_D2XP
  Case "NB2W"
      Code = ICON_W2BN
    If stats Then
      pA = Split(Mid(Client, 6), " ", 10)
      wcwins = Val(pA(2))
      wcladder = Val(pA(5))
      Spawn = Val(pA(3))
      Code = ICON_WC0W
      End If
      If wcladder = 0 Then
              If wcwins = 0 Then
               Code = ICON_WC0W
              ElseIf wcwins = 1 Then
               Code = ICON_WC1W
              ElseIf wcwins = 2 Then
               Code = ICON_WC2W
              ElseIf wcwins = 3 Then
               Code = ICON_WC3W
              ElseIf wcwins = 4 Then
               Code = ICON_WC4W
              ElseIf wcwins = 5 Then
               Code = ICON_WC5W
              ElseIf wcwins = 6 Then
               Code = ICON_WC6W
              ElseIf wcwins = 7 Then
               Code = ICON_WC7W
              ElseIf wcwins = 8 Then
               Code = ICON_WC8W
              ElseIf wcwins = 9 Then
               Code = ICON_WC9W
               Code = ICON_WC10W
              End If
          Code = ICON_WCL
      End If

  Case "PXES"
      Code = ICON_SEXP
     If stats Then
      pA = Split(Mid(Client, 6), " ", 10)
      scwins = Val(pA(2))
      scladder = Val(pA(5))
      scrank = Val(pA(1))
      Spawn = Val(pA(3))
      Code = ICON_SCW0
      End If
     If scladder = 0 Then
              If scwins = 1 Then
                Code = ICON_SC1W
              ElseIf scwins = 2 Then
               Code = ICON_SC2W
              ElseIf scwins = 3 Then
               Code = ICON_SC3W
              ElseIf scwins = 4 Then
               Code = ICON_SC4W
              ElseIf scwins = 5 Then
               Code = ICON_SC5W
              ElseIf scwins = 6 Then
               Code = ICON_SC6W
              ElseIf scwins = 7 Then
               Code = ICON_SC7W
              ElseIf scwins = 8 Then
               Code = ICON_SC8W
              ElseIf scwins = 9 Then
               Code = ICON_SC9W
              ElseIf scwins = 10 Then
               Code = ICON_SC10W
               Code = ICON_SC10W
              End If
          Code = ICON_SCL
          If (scrank > 1) And (scrank < 999) Then
          Code = ICON_SCT10
          ElseIf scrank = 1 Then
          Code = ICON_SC
          End If
      If Spawn = 1 Then Code = ICON_SPAWN
  Case "LTRD"
      Code = ICON_DRTL
    If stats Then
      pA = Split(Mid(Client, 6), " ", 10)
      lvl = Val(pA(0))
      chrClass = Val(pA(1))
      dots = Val(pA(2))
      strength = Val(pA(3))
      mag = Val(pA(4))
      dex = Val(pA(5))
      vit = Val(pA(6))
      gold = Val(pA(7))
      Last = Val(pA(8))
      If (chrClass = 0) And (dots = 0) Then
      Code = ICON_WAR0
      ElseIf (chrClass = 0) And (dots = 1) Then
      Code = ICON_WAR1
      ElseIf (chrClass = 0) And (dots = 2) Then
      Code = ICON_WAR2
      ElseIf (chrClass = 0) And (dots = 3) Then
      Code = ICON_WAR3
      ElseIf (chrClass = 1) And (dots = 0) Then
      Code = ICON_ROG0
      ElseIf (chrClass = 1) And (dots = 1) Then
      Code = ICON_ROG1
      ElseIf (chrClass = 1) And (dots = 2) Then
      Code = ICON_ROG2
      ElseIf (chrClass = 1) And (dots = 3) Then
      Code = ICON_ROG3
      ElseIf (chrClass = 2) And (dots = 0) Then
      Code = ICON_SOR0
      ElseIf (chrClass = 2) And (dots = 1) Then
      Code = ICON_SOR1
      ElseIf (chrClass = 2) And (dots = 2) Then
      Code = ICON_SOR2
      ElseIf (chrClass = 2) And (dots = 3) Then
      Code = ICON_SOR3
    End If
End Select
End If

GetIconCode = Code
Exit Function

End Function

Public Function GetLagIcon(ByVal lPing As Long, Optional ByVal Flags As Long) As Integer
Dim IconCode As Integer
            GetLagIcon = ICON_PLUG
            Exit Function
End If
If (lPing >= 5) And (lPing <= 199) Then
    IconCode = ICON_LAG1
End If
If (lPing >= 200) And (lPing <= 300) Then
    IconCode = ICON_LAG2
End If
If (lPing >= 301) And (lPing <= 400) Then
    IconCode = ICON_LAG3
End If
If (lPing >= 401) And (lPing <= 600) Then
    IconCode = ICON_LAG4
End If
If (lPing >= 601) And (lPing <= 1200) Then
   IconCode = ICON_LAG5
End If
If lPing > 1201 Then
    IconCode = ICON_LAG6
End If
If (lPing < 0) Then
    IconCode = ICON_LAG6
End If
If (lPing = 0) Then
    IconCode = ICON_PLUG
End If
'If InStr(MakeDWORD(lFlags), Mid(MakeDWORD(lFlags), 3, 1), Chr(&H1)) Then IconCode = ICON_PLUG
GetLagIcon = IconCode
End Function
Here is my channeljoin source
Private Sub Packet_OnJoin(ByVal username As String, ByVal Flags As Long, ByVal message As String, ByVal Ping As Long)
Dim icon As Integer
icon = GetIconCode(message, Flags)
Dim laGicon As Integer
laGicon = GetLagIcon(Ping, Flags)
Dim Text As String
Text = Left(message, 4)
form1.sckBot.SendData "1002 JOIN " & username & " " & Format(Flags, "0000") & " [" & StrReverse(Text) & "]" & " " & Ping & vbCrLf

 form1.ChannelList.ListItems.add , , username, , icon

End Sub


Dont mind the following code, its a code i used to send info to a (secondary-like) bot that i used...

form1.sckBot.SendData "1002 JOIN " & username & " " & Format(Flags, "0000") & " [" & StrReverse(Text) & "]" & " " & Ping & vbCrLf


all you needed to post was
Private Sub Packet_OnJoin(ByVal username As String, ByVal Flags As Long, ByVal message As String, ByVal Ping As Long)
Dim icon As Integer
icon = GetIconCode(message, Flags)
Dim laGicon As Integer
laGicon = GetLagIcon(Ping, Flags)

 form1.ChannelList.ListItems.add , , username, , icon
End Sub


Private Sub Packet_OnJoin(ByVal username As String, ByVal Flags As Long, ByVal message As String, ByVal Ping As Long)
    With form1.ChannelList.ListItems.add(, username, username, , GetIconCode(message, Flags))
       .ListSubItems.add , , , GetLagIcon(Ping, Flags)
    End With
End Sub


It still does not show the lag icon


make sure you have two or three columns


i have 4 columns on it