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The VB Reversing Reference Thread

Started by TheMinistered, February 22, 2004, 06:02 PM

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NOTE: The functions were located & tested inside an object.
Additionally, the offsets from ebp I provided might not be the same in all situations

*Returning a long

Parameter with double pointer to return
Local Variable to hold data assigned to be returned


Public Function Test() as Long
   Test = 20 'local variable
End Function

EBP+0C = Double pointer to return
EBP-18 = Local variable to hold data to be returned

*Returning an integer

Parameter with double pointer to return
Local Variable to hold data assigned to be returned


Public Function Test() as Integer
   Test = 20 'local variable
End Function

EBP+0C = Double pointer to return
EBP-18 = Local variable to hold data to be returned

*Returning an boolean

Parameter with double pointer to return
Local Variable to hold data assigned to be returned


Public Function Test() as Boolean
   Test = True 'local variable
End Function

EBP+0C = Double pointer to return
EBP-18 = Local variable to hold data to be returned

Additional Notes: Visual basic uses -1 for true and 0 for false

*Returning an byte

Parameter with double pointer to return
Local Variable to hold data assigned to be returned


Public Function Test() as Byte
   Test = 20 'local variable
End Function

EBP+0C = Double pointer to return
EBP-18 = Local variable to hold data to be returned

*Returning an double

Parameter with double pointer to return
Local Variable to hold data assigned to be returned


Public Function Test() as Double
   Test = 20 'local variable
End Function

EBP+0C = Double pointer to return
  [[RETURN]] = High Dword
  [[RETURN+4]] = Low Dword

EBP-1C = Local variable to hold data to be returned
  [LOCAL] = High Dword
  [LOCAL+4] = Low Dword

Additional Notes: The visual basic double data type follows the IEEE double precision floating point standard

*Returning an single

Parameter with double pointer to return
Local Variable to hold data assigned to be returned


Public Function Test() as Single
   Test = 20 'local variable
End Function

EBP+0C = Double pointer to return
EBP-18 = Local variable to hold data to be returned

Additional Notes: The visual basic single data type follows the IEEE single precision floating point standard

*Returning a currency

Parameter with double pointer to return
Local Variable to hold data assigned to be returned


Public Function Test() as Curreny
   Test = 20 'local variable
End Function

EBP+0C = Double pointer to return
   [[RETURN]] = Low Dword
   [[RETURN+4]] = High Dword

EBP-1C = Local variable to hold data to be returned
   [LOCAL] = Low Dword
   [LOCAL+4] = High Dword

Additional Notes: The visual basic currency data type follows an unknown standard, perhaps put forth by microsoft.


This is a typical string comparison programmers in vb6 will use, look out for this

push offset string1
push offset string2
push 0
call __vbaStrComp
not eax
test ax, ax
je NotMatch

This block of code pushes two strings, and the comparison type to use then calls __vbaStrComp.
__vbaStrComp returns zero if it's a match.  This is why the programmer will not it and then do:

If Return = True Then
   'not match
end if

If they do not perform some sort of not on the return then the if structure looks like this:

If Return = False Then
   'not match
End if


If the vb6 function is located in an object, the params will look like this:

;nasm syntax
%define return_caller [esp+04h]
%define this [esp+08h]
%define returnvalue [esp+0Ch]

Where this and return are both double pointers, correct me if i'm wrong.  If you have additional parameters to the function then you need to adjust the return offset.

note: this is the equivalent of the me object
note: eax is used to return the hresult, thus functions must return values over the stack


Here is a watered down version of how visual basic handles a simplistic for/next loop.

Visual Basic code located in a form

Private Sub Form_Load()
  Dim intCounter as Integer, i as Integer

    For intCounter = 1 to 100
        i = i + 1
    Next intCounter
End Sub

Watered down assembly listing

; Dim intCounter As Integer, i As Integer
; ...
; For intCounter = 1 To 100
mov eax, 1

; i = i + 1
add cx, 1
add ax, 1

; Next intCounter
cmp ax, 100 ; 00000064H

; ...

call DWORD PTR __imp____vbaErrorOverflow

; ...
; End Sub

Note:  This also points out a potential optimization that should be taken into consideration by all developers:  Use the appropriate data type for the amount of cycles through the for/next loop that are expected.  i.e. if you need the for loop to cycle from 1 to 100 don't use an integer, use a byte.  Thus, it wouldn't use ax/cx for adding, but rather al/cl.  On second hand, using eax/ecx for adding might always be faster, I don't know-- if that be the case it would be to your advantage to always use a long data type for counters.  Anyone have a thought on this?


Is this how an api call is made?

.text:00405348 aGetprivateprof db 'GetPrivateProfileStringA',0 ; DATA XREF: .text:00405368o
.text:00405361                 align 4
.text:00405364 off_405364      dd offset aKernel32     ; DATA XREF: GetPrivateProfileStringA:loc_405387o
.text:00405364                                         ; "kernel32"
.text:00405368                 dd offset aGetprivateprof ; "GetPrivateProfileStringA"
.text:0040536C                 align 10h
.text:00405370                 dd offset unk_4193BC
.text:00405374                 dd 2 dup(0)


.text:0040537C ; DWORD __stdcall GetPrivateProfileStringA(LPCSTR lpAppName,LPCSTR lpKeyName,LPCSTR lpDefault,LPSTR lpReturnedString,DWORD nSize,LPCSTR lpFileName)
.text:0040537C GetPrivateProfileStringA proc near      ; CODE XREF: sub_417520+14Dp
.text:0040537C                 mov     eax, dword_4193C4
.text:00405381                 or      eax, eax
.text:00405383                 jz      short loc_405387
.text:00405385                 jmp     eax
.text:00405387 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00405387 loc_405387:                             ; CODE XREF: GetPrivateProfileStringA+7j
.text:00405387                 push    offset off_405364
.text:0040538C                 mov     eax, offset DllFunctionCall
.text:00405391                 call    eax ; DllFunctionCall
.text:00405393                 jmp     eax
.text:00405393 GetPrivateProfileStringA endp

Also, i've noticed that they're not called by any definate functions. how does vb6 store/call functions and call event subs?
<3 Zorm
Quote[01:08:05 AM] <@Zorm> haha, me get pussy? don't kid yourself quik
Scio te esse, sed quid sumne? :P


i thought api calls were made through msvbvm60.dll, not directly from the exe? but i could be wrong.
Quote from: replaced on November 04, 2006, 11:54 AM
I dunno wat it means, someone tell me whats ix86 and pmac?
Can someone send me a working bot source (with bnls support) to my email?  Then help me copy and paste it to my bot? ;D
Já jsem byl určenej abych tady žil,
Dával si ovar, křen a k tomu pivo pil.
Tam by ses povídaj jak prase v žitě měl,
Já nechci před nikym sednout si na prdel.

Já nejsem z USA, já nejsem z USA, já vážně nejsem z USA... a snad se proto na mě nezloběj.


Quote from: l2k-Shadow on March 23, 2008, 04:11 PM
i thought api calls were made through msvbvm60.dll, not directly from the exe? but i could be wrong.
They are. hence "DllFunctionCall".
<3 Zorm
Quote[01:08:05 AM] <@Zorm> haha, me get pussy? don't kid yourself quik
Scio te esse, sed quid sumne? :P