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I recently fell backwards in my chair...

Started by Etheran, January 13, 2003, 09:52 PM

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It hurts!!  :'(


*laughs at Etheran* ;D
Quote from: iago on February 02, 2005, 03:07 PM
Yes, you can't have everybody...contributing to the main source repository.  That would be stupid and create chaos.

Opensource projects...would be dumb.


When I do that, it's because the legs of the chair start slipping forward, making you fall almost straight down. And it's probably impossible to stop once they start slipping.


My current chair has not legs, but a sort of a metal pipe-like thingie that extends at two parts from the front of the chair, which go down to the floor, go backwards under the chair, and turn towards each other to meet into one metal pipe-like thingie. Something like that anyway.

It allows for a very wide angle of swinging forwards without falling, and it's hard to swing backwards.


I have some heavy duty rocking chair that you can't realy fall over in unless your rocking like crazy, in which you have to be in some sort of off center mental state to evin consider rocking that way.

I think Yoni's chair was made for the gamer that realy freeks out when they are looseing, so that they can get that extended forward motion for throwing their mouse at the wall fast and furyiously.

Mesiah / haiseM

yonis chair sounds like one of those things screwed to the floor in a school detention room or something, which somehow i still manage to fall out of :'(
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It's not screwed to the floor
That is what makes it so hard to fall backwards!


Once I had a student who fell backwards when I showed a movie in class. I heard a noise and there he was on the floor, fainted. He hurt his head on the way down. I had to stop the movie and wake him up.


Fainted?  First time he had ever seen a sex-ed movie?


Next time I will show the movie about fission insted of fusion to avoid misunderstanding.


wtf do u teach in pickerington?


I, about 4 months ago, passed out in class because of a combonation of a tight tie, me stretching and leaning my head back, and low blood sugar. When I fell, I came out of my desk and my head hit the floor which gave me a concussion, supposidly i was "awake" at the time i hit the ground, then I layed there 5 minutes while the teachers checked to make sure i was ok and then got up, walked aroumd, got a drink of water, walked down to the lower campus, got another drink, came in and sat down in a chair.. however, I only remember stretching back and then waking up in an office sitting in a chair 1 hour and 30 minutes later.