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Web Channel

Started by PaiD, March 12, 2003, 11:25 AM

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How would I make my bot to send the stuff it sees onto the net?


Using WebBot. It can be found here. Everything about it, including how to use it, can be found there.


I know about webbot. I want to add a feasure in my bot to do what webbot can do


Use the WebChannel specification which is available somewhere on BotDev. You will need to write a botnet client as well.



QuoteI know about webbot. I want to add a feasure in my bot to do what webbot can do
i would start brushing up on PHP and SQL. you can have your bot connect to an sql server, and keep a list of names products pings etc. then write a php script to read the list, and create the html.


or you can do it the makeshift way..

Create something on your bot that can respond to a simple http request on a port. So then you can just feed the data to a page. So for example for my program you connect to http://yourip:2001

runs my old old plugin that does this. It's a very uneffective way but it works if you have a constant connection to the net. The person that runs theirs does not. So it may or may not be up.

then you can define your own protocol of sorts. Although it may not look as nice it certainly does work.


Quoteor you can do it the makeshift way..

Create something on your bot that can respond to a simple http request on a port. So then you can just feed the data to a page. So for example for my program you connect to http://yourip:2001
cool, i didn't think of that
i suppose you have a template too?


You are forgetting the bot id.


Yes, Spht helped me out with that, thanks anyways


Hmm.. me and Zonker programmed a simple one for {RC} as well. But because we didn't want the channel text broadcasted we kept it simple. Upload done by Dark`Bot evey two minutes to http://www.royal-council.com/Channel.txt, then a server side PHP parser outputs it to http://www.royal-council.com/channel.php


its easier just to code your own webserver, or an HTTP overload handler for your current web server.


Quote from: c0ol on April 11, 2003, 04:56 PM
its easier just to code your own webserver, or an HTTP overload handler for your current web server.
Easier to code one which works with bloated, nonstandards-tolerant browsers or easier to code a decent, standards-compliant server?


Quote from: Skywing on April 11, 2003, 05:50 PMEasier to code one which works with bloated, nonstandards-tolerant browsers or easier to code a decent, standards-compliant server?

As long as you have access to the standard(s), and the standards are fairly straightforward (such as the BNLS protocol spec verses the BotNet protocol spec... BNLS protocol spec is nice and clean, whereas the BotNet spec isn't so, as Kp and I have argued about), writing your own standards-compliant code is easy, albeit sometimes time consuming.
Macintosh programmer and enthusiast.
Battle.net Bot Programming: http://www.bash.org/?240059
I can write programs. Can you right them?



my handler for http...

Private Sub Winsock2_DataArrival(Index As Integer, ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
Dim strData As String
Dim strGet As String
Dim s2 As Long
Dim page As String
Winsock2(Index).GetData strData
If Mid(strData, 1, 3) = "GET" Then
strGet = InStr(strData, "GET ")
s2 = InStr(strGet + 5, strData, " ")
page = Trim(Mid(strData, strGet + 5, s2 - (strGet + 4)))
If Right(page, 1) = "/" Then page = Left(page, Len(page) - 1)
On Error Resume Next
Winsock2(Index).SendData createpage(page)
End If
End Sub

then make a function that creates the page and returns it example:
public sub createpage (page as string) as string

that code was pulled right form my Bg3 WebStream

you can feed anything you want then over the connection.

Hope that helps somewhat.