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Adrenaline Rushes From Video Games?

Started by j0k3r, February 08, 2004, 06:29 PM

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I was just playing CS on oilrig, for the first 2 rounds I was the VIP. First round I got 4 headshots, taking out the entire terrorist team because my teammates sucked, was very overjoyed with myself. Second round I followed my team until it was 3 of us, then realized we were being followed and ducked out of the way (while yelling to them that someone was following us on my mic), they all died. So it was me on 4 Ts, I'm the VIP, with 18bullets left in my pistol. I head up the ramp, get one guy in the back, head up to the top, find another guy staring into space, I got a headshot. Then it was me with 2bullets and 56 health VS. a terrorist with who knows what. So I creep along the side looking around frantically for signs of him, and after seeing nothing I decided to run for. I made it up to the helicopter ramp, jumped, didn't make it onto the second level, and then I see my health drop and blood splatter in front of me. It was as if everything slowed down to about 1/2 of normal time, I was jumping and losing health, blood everywhere, yelling into the mic trying to get up the ramp, then I jumped up onto the last part of the helicopter ramp and realized I had 2 health left, then time seemed to slow to 1/4 normal speed... and it seemed I ran for a minute across the little part to the helicopter which actually takes about 2 seconds...

I remember having these adrenaline rushes in starcraft right before I backstabbed someone for being gay, and being all shaky afterwards (as I am now). I'm not obese(or even fat), I do alot of 'risky'/thrill seeking stuff(snowboard, theme parks) and even though this is a first in over a year or two, it just seems weird.

My question is -- is this normal or do I have to see someone about this? ;D
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


Well, it used to be like that playing Hardcore Diablo II.  I haven't felt excited while playing lately, though.

But yeah, backstabbing in Starcraft and PK'ing in hardcore Diablo II were the best for getting a rush once in awhile :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Sounds like you're getting too caught up in the game. You may want to consider blinking or tilting eyes off monitor every once in a while. I tend to not pay much attention to games I play which is why I usually always lose. I'm usually programming, answering phone the little time I play a game.


j0k3r, you should just go skydiving.  Everthing else will pale in comparison.  Jumping out of a plane at 10,000 feet and rocketing to the earth at 120 mph is the best rush.
That sucking sound you hear is my bandwidth.


Don't you technically accelerate as you fall? I want to go skydiving, I want to go to the states in the summer and do it, I have wanted to for the past 2 years.
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


You accelerate for a while, but eventually you hit "terminal velocity" and stay at a constant speed.


BASE jumping is fun and thrilling aswell.


starcraft is planning, most of the time youve won the battle before it started so no thats not normal, d2 I never played hardcore for that sheer fact because d2 was time consuming enough and I didn't have time to start a new character because my mouse accidentally got unplugged or d2 lagged or god knows what with that game. With FPS's I found I would get adrenaline rushes though, CS is a good game for that, I think Unreal Tournament is responcible for most of the ones I've had though.

Edit: I've never gone sky-diving, it seems like it could be fun but I'm not so fond of that. I have gone hang-gliding a few times over some nice scenery, and that was beyond fun in an exciting and pleasant way.
- Hostile is sexy.


Quote from: Hostile on February 08, 2004, 08:10 PM
starcraft is planning, most of the time youve won the battle before it started so no thats not normal.
I found the adrenaline came because you were hoping so much your planning and strategy was going to work, and if it didn't you'd have to react fast and recover.

Quote from: Hostile on February 08, 2004, 08:10 PM
d2 I never played hardcore for that sheer fact because d2 was time consuming enough and I didn't have time to start a new character because my mouse accidentally got unplugged or d2 lagged or god knows what with that game.
I don't know why I play it, I just do. It's not hard not dying, and the only times I die are bye some freak glitches (ie. my barb a couple days ago), and even that isn't devastating.
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


I didn't say it would be for you, but for me I get mad when I waste time in games. Now its strictly a personal problem that comes from feeling guilty about 'wasting' time playing the game in the first place. So when it results in no fun on top of it then I get mad. With Diablo 2, I more enjoyed building the characters then well playing the game even hehe I suppose Hardcore would be perfect but as I stated, thats an even greater waste of time which I couldn't justify.
- Hostile is sexy.


One of the major things I like about playing hardcore is that I get to try a variety of characters.  I like listening to music in random order for the same reason, I like variety.  No two of my characters are the same.  

Sometimes I have characters that don't even guy, but I just quit.  I just gave up on a 32 necro I spent 3 weeks on because I didn't like how he turned out.  And yes, it took me 3 weeks to get to level 32, and I'm proud of that! :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV: