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Hashing (Java)

Started by Prospero, March 18, 2003, 01:30 AM

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16000 simultaneous connected useRs?
16000 unique useRs?
16000 totalled uses?
16000 uses per day?


16000 uses per second?

Banana fanna fo fanna

16000 active users, I believe. They probably auth with the server maybe twice a day. It's an HTTP GET afaik.

Mesiah / haiseM

ewww, not to mention eww@inaccuracy
]HighBrow Innovations
Coming soon...

AIM Online Status: 


700-1000 on at any given time. 300 new signups on average per week.

17000 users as of now approved for use. 21000 requests total 4000 some denied for spamming/warring purposes.

Unique logins per day depends. On saturday it peaks around 2000-3000
weekdays if you break 1000 thats lucky...

Alot of the users are 24/7 which has been extremely possible since the last patch I put out and a the new key auth dedicated server I purchased.


700-1000 "on at any given time"?

If it's an auth server, how are they "on" more than a second or two?

If there are 3000 logins max per day, you're saying each user remains connected to your auth server an average of 8 hours.

Says Barbie:  Math is HARD!


BG3 isn't an auth server (i assume you are referring to something like BNLS?) it is a chat gateway.  They connect chatbots through BG3 to battle.net (like a proxy almost) i'm sure nova can explain in further detail


Quote from: n00blar on April 07, 2003, 04:25 PM
BG3 isn't an auth server (i assume you are referring to something like BNLS?) it is a chat gateway.  They connect chatbots through BG3 to battle.net (like a proxy almost) i'm sure nova can explain in further detail
I believe he's referring to BG3's checkin ("BGKey") server.


I messed with this for a day or so, and i fould that making the version check IN java would be a hack at best.  If you do want to attempt it go for it, heres how it works:
Battle.net sends you an equation like so A=345 B=566 C=123 A=A+B B=B-C C=C^S
what you want to do is read in the file one dword at a time (actually read it in 8k chunks and use it 1 byte at a time, but w/e) and set S as the current dword that you are processing.  Then loop through the equations and execute each one, where again S is the current dword.  do this for all of the files in the correct order, once you are done C will be the checksum dword.  You can do this in a number of ways, the easiest and slowest way to process this would be to have a series of if statements that you execute for every byte.  The other way, and prolly the best is to precompile the equations as machine code, and then run it like a function for each byte.  I hope this helps with your java porting.

Banana fanna fo fanna

Ah, thank you for explaining that.


Quote from: c0ol on April 09, 2003, 11:49 PM
what you want to do is read in the file one dword at a time (actually read it in 8k chunks and use it 1 byte at a time, but w/e) and set S as the current dword that you are processing.

There is a chance that you might need to account for byte order issues (little/big endian) when reading the dwords into memory from the file, I'm not sure what byte ordering Java uses by default when reading/writing to files.  It may be that the java virtual machine automatically rearranges bytes based on the underlying hardware.  Then it is a matter of determining which byte order Java uses.

x86 uses little-endian (low order bytes come first)
PPC uses big-endian (high order bytes come first)



well the operations arent byte order sincitive, + - ^ so i dont think it would matter.

actually you are right, because if u read 00 00 00 02 backwards it would be a totally diffrent number.  In java you would prolly start a byte buffer, and set the byte order to big edian then read all the files into it, and pop the dwords off the  top.


This is getting more confusing every time I read this. I've been thinking about this and I'm starting to think I might as well reinstall Delphi and start working on a Delphi-Bot...

Is there any documentation available on CD-Key decoding, CD-Key Hashing (and the other hashing things) and CheckRevision?