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Started by warz, January 04, 2004, 12:00 PM

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All of us have been faced with the situation where you walk up to your toilet, and there's already a piece of toilet paper in there. My question is, do any of you guys concentrate your piss on the piece of toilet paper and try to shred it to pieces of trying to hide in the toilet instead of going down the flush with the rest, or concentrate it on the paper just to see how yellow you can make it? I do all the time. Just wondering if anyone else does.



Definitely a shredder here.


You have problems, warz. It is always nice to see someone diagnosing their actions... even the subconcious~ little every day things. Well, the thing is... ... ... You don't need to find out what other people do for some of them. Diagnosing their actions is a bit pointless, except for in comparison to find out if you are doing something normal or not. Needless to say, normal is overrated and everyone here is not normal in atleast one way.
- Hostile is sexy.


Well, I was just wondering if there's more artistic people or more destructive people on this forum. That's not weird. I'm a shredder myself, too.


I try to carve my initials into the paper.  Ok, that's a lie.  I actually ignore it.  
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Banana fanna fo fanna


I prefer to cut it into four equal sections, then I flush right before I finish and as the swirl takes the paper into the pipes I chase it with my stream.  Ahhhhahahahahah I win again!!!!!!!!!!!
That sucking sound you hear is my bandwidth.


I was thinking about this topic, when I realized you could actually fit in two seperate categories at once. I was peeing, when I found myself being artistic. I didn't like my artwork so I quickly began to shred it before it went down the tubes. I classified my actions as being destructively artistic. I bet you could be artisticly destructive also.


I guess I try to see how quick I can get it to the Bottom of the toilet.


I just like peeing and flushing the toilet at the same time and to see if i can pee before all the water is gone. I usually can but sometimes I dont  :-*


I used to do that but if i didnt make it i had to wait for the tank to fill up again. I like to time myself.