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WINSOCK call to recv stalls

Started by taylorjonl, December 16, 2003, 10:43 PM

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I am writing a proxy server for DII and have the following code.

printf("\t\tChecking for input on client/server sockets\n"); fflush(stdout);

       int n = select(2, 0, &fds, 0, &tv);

       if(n == 0)
       if(n < 0)

       if(FD_ISSET(server, &fds))
printf("\t\t\tFound activity on server socket\n"); fflush(stdout);
           // receive data from server
           int size = recv(server, sbuffer.buffer, sbuffer.length, 0);
printf("\t\t\tReceived %d bytes of data\n", size); fflush(stdout);
           if(size < 0)
               // error reading data
               printf("Error receiving data from server\n");

           // handle decompression here
           // handle passing to module here

printf("\t\t\tSending %d bytes of data to client\n", size); fflush(stdout);
           // send data to client
           int sent = send(client, sbuffer.buffer, size, 0);
           if(sent < 0)
               // error reading data
               printf("Error sending data to client\n");
printf("\t\t\tReceived %d bytes of data\n", sent); fflush(stdout);
printf("\t\t\tFound activity on client socket\n"); fflush(stdout);
           // receive data from client
           int size = recv(client, cbuffer.buffer, cbuffer.length, 0);
printf("\t\t\tReceived %d bytes of data\n", size); fflush(stdout);
           if(size < 0)
               // error reading data
               printf("Error receiving data from client\n");

           // handle compression here
           // handle passing to module here

printf("\t\t\tSending %d bytes of data to server\n", size); fflush(stdout);
           // send data to server
           int sent = send(server, cbuffer.buffer, size, 0);
           if(sent < 0)
               // error reading data
               printf("Error sending data to server\n");
printf("\t\t\tReceived %d bytes of data\n", sent); fflush(stdout);

What happens is that I get this output.

Checking for input on client/server sockets
   Found activity on server socket

It freezes on the recv call.  How is that?  'select' is supposed to return when a socket is ready for input and then 'FD_ISSET' should tell me if it is that socket.  Why is it freezing?

I am a newbie socket programmer but this should work shouldn't it?