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Ryan arived, and there was much rejoicing

Started by RyanIdium, December 07, 2003, 10:52 AM

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Hey.  I go by Ryan Idium, idium was a spin-off of a vocabulary word.
Im not very advanced in programing, i know some delphi, vb, and php (even though its scripting language).
I helped someone named DaRk-FeAnOr make a bot or two, can't really remember what they were, it was mostly me showing him how to do stuff and then he went from there.  What ever it was, it was made in VB, and used Cupheads cleanslatebot.ocx.  After a while of VB, i got tired of it constantly needing ocx files that nobody can seem to remember to include with there programs, so i switched over to Delphi.  On the side i used PHP combinded with mysql to make a few mods for YaBB SE and currently have about 75% done on a script for an internet store.

well thats me :)


You seem to be above the regular pond scum.

QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


We prefer to be called aquatic photosynthetic organisms, please lose the bigotry   ;D hehehehe
