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Started by Manipulate, December 02, 2003, 11:14 PM

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Hey all i havent bothered to come to this part of the forum but anyways i gues ill do a little profile

ive been on b.net since i dunno when i think it was 98? somewhere in there I program a little VB but mostly C++ currently unpatching zds since it cant handle a new packet that b.net is sending... anyways im 16 live in hickville USA and i run encrypted radio ^^ great radio station if your into metal / black metal umm hrmm what else... oh im known as Mournful on b.net channel Clan ViLe if u ever need me, i guess thats about it, later


Quote from: Manipulate on December 02, 2003, 11:14 PM

I program a little VB but mostly C++ currently unpatching zds since it cant handle a new packet that b.net is sending...

Funny Zds works just fine for me are you use it isnt the person using the bot? that cant get it to work right?
Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea


yes im sure its not the person using the bot ^.- the new packet is 0x4A isnt it? thats the one that zds gets and says to itself "WTF am i supposed to do?" and disconencts


Hey, zds talks to itself also? I always thought my bots were just weird, and did that. I guess mine were normal after all!


Lol no, zds talks to itself alot back in the day it uses to say like " User left and i didnt detect it what is wrong with me" it scared me the first time i saw it
Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea