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Started by TriCk, November 21, 2003, 10:46 PM

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I found this in an old post...

Private Sub CreateAccount()
Dim accounthash As String
Dim result As Variant
accounthash = String(5 * 4, vbNullChar)
result = X(accounthash, m_Password)

   pBuffer.InsertNonNTString accounthash
   pBuffer.InsertNTString m_Username
   pBuffer.SendPacket &H3D
End Sub

I was wondering what X was...?

Also what packet in vb terms (&H...) do i get the response from..." I know its a DWORD, 0 = Fail and 1 = Success...
I'd like to add text like...
Select Case AccountCreate
Case "0"
   TextAdd "Account Creation Failed"
Case "1"
   TextAdd "Account Creation Successful!"
End Case

Or Something....


X is a function in bnetauth.dll


Thanks can you tell me what one...?
The Declare for it


This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Private Declare Function X Lib "bnetauth.dll" ... THEN WHAT...?



Public Declare Function x Lib "bnetauth.dll" Alias "X" (ByVal outbuf As String, ByVal Password As String) As Long

oooo im so uber gosu at copy/pasting!! im bored  :(

i havent posted in a long time, i wonder wut my count is at  :-\ probly like 3 or 4...

Edit: y does it say my posts are at -3? how the heck do u get negative posts?


Quote from: LoRd]VeGiTo[ on November 23, 2003, 05:21 PM
Edit: y does it say my posts are at -3? how the heck do u get negative posts?

Posting in certain forums which don't increase post count iirc.