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Microsoft vs BeTa

Started by mynameistmp, November 14, 2003, 05:18 PM

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"This idea is so odd, it is hard to know where to begin in challenging it." - Martin Barker, British scholar


I think that you have to look into 2 things

1 - Look up that law.  Does is actually apply to the situation?
2 - You're in Canada.  Does that affect this in any way?

I can't answer those, but I tihnk that's the first step :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I have to hand it to Kp for thinking up this one, if they actually sent that over email in a .doc format you can always reply:

"I'm sorry I don't have anything to open this file format."


"I don't trust .doc files, they might contain MSWord viruses."

- Hostile is sexy.


Yeah, I think us 7 or 8 guys, which are for the most part still in / planning on attending college, should take Microsoft to court. They may take our exploitable web servers away, but they'll never take microsoft.ph! Freeeeeeedoommm.


I just realized the Irony that microsoft.ph is being hosted on a linux machine :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


You haven't got a hope  :(


Beta:  First of all, in any legal action, get an attorney to represent you.  What any of us say is pure gibberish since we're not attorneys.

That being said and out of the way,

Larry Flynt (Hustler magazine) successfully protected the right of American citizens to use other entities names in free speech through satire and parody.  If your site is doing anything similar against Microsoft, you probably have free speech protections of the United States Constitution.

If your site is unrelated to Microsoft, you're probably OK as well.  If your site is a political critique of Microsoft, you are still probably OK.  However, if your site is pretending to be a software company of the name Microsoft, you'll most likely lose that case.  I cannot even view your site, so I have no idea what's on the web page.

If Microsoft is attempting to squash your free speech, contact the ACLU and EFF.

Hope this helps.



or atleast offer to trade the site to them for something much more expensive. hehe

Anyways, yes grok is right, first off this battle just isn't worth it, it will cost you more money then you will get back and just so you know unless you find an rights group willing to back up your 'cause', microsoft will be able to play the game you started alot longer then you will. Would be quite stupid on all of your parts to even try that unless of course you did make that site for a sort non-microsoft but partially related, even owning the site and doing nothing with it might make you look worse then say having a microsoft product review on your site, with also a -clear- legal statement somewhere on the site claiming that you are in fact not microsoft. In short unless you guys are really that pathetic and think you're going to make an example out of this then you're quite wrong, you guys have been doing everything wrong so far, microsoft who has invested hundreds of millions in their legal department has already taken the right step, and rest assure they took several pictures of your website and anything they could related to it.
- Hostile is sexy.


Hostile you were right.  Your TeamSpeak usage has ruined your written communication ability.  Here, I will give you some free tools:


I sincerely hope those help.