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How Come....

Started by pileofcrap, February 27, 2003, 02:25 PM

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Im an OLD Un4 member. and Ill try and join your channel sometimes when Im wearing my Un4 tag........ and I get banned......

do you guys got -=^ tag banned ??


-=^*^=- is banned.


yeah but why, I didnt do anything to you guys =(

also I just tried to enter the channel with my normal bnet name (pileofcrap) and it banned me again =(


Historically, UN4 members just want to troll, yell, cause trouble, and honestly have had not much to contribute to vL conversations.  It is much easier to just tagban them all than to figure out which ones are worth having around.

This is not a case of a few bad apples spoiling the bunch, it is more like 80% of the apples are rotten.


i understand completly... alot of them piss me off (* cough PSYCOCKTIC hehe)  but

can I atleast be unbanned with my pileofcrap name?
its just pileofcrap      =D