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First release of Cat, the MSN Messenger client

Started by Spht, October 24, 2003, 11:27 PM

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Cat is a MSN messenger client which utilizes MSN protocol 8 to logon and communicate. Currently supports starting new chat sessions and being invited to chat sessions, allowing multiple users to join in the chat session, and Skywing's text/x-clientcaps identification proposal. Screenshot.

Post comments and bug reports on this thread.


Soul Taker


Version 2 released!

General updates:
- Fixed window resize crash.
- Disables OK button on login screen when passport name or passport password fields are empty.
- Client only sends x-clientcap information once when entering a conversation which has more than one participant.
- Displays your display name and e-mail address at the top of the contact list (along with an icon representing your status and a tooltip which displays the time you've been signed in for).
- Added support for changing MSN status (accessible from File menu or clicking on your name in the contact list).
- Displays the number of users which are in the Online/Offline lists.
- Added Tools menu from which you can access various options:
- - Always on Top toggle.
- - Option to change display name.
- - Conversation log toggle.
- - Notify others of typing status toggle.
- - Blink window when someone sends a message toggle.
- Added support for receiving files (currently only seems to work when receiving files from the official MSN messenger client, and may not work all the time). Files are saved to <PassportName>\Received Files\ when clicking Accept, or specified location when clicking Save As.
- Contacts are now displayed in alphabetical order.
- Added tooltip for contacts which displays their name, status, and e-mail address.
- Upgraded receive buffer to fix problem with data being lost at times.
- Creates system tray icon which can be used to restore the client when the main window is minimized.
- Added right-click option for contact list to send a message or an e-mail.

Updates to chat session dialog:
- Font settings left by pasted text in send box are now reset to normal on send.
- Ability to safely send up to 48KB message.
- Sends periodic notifications to switchboard server of your typing status (so receiving client(s) can always view your typing status accurately).
- Removes name from typing list if they went more than 10 seconds without sending a typing notification (which probably means they stopped typing).
- Conversations are now logged to <PassportName>\Logs\ if chat logging is turned on.
- Only displays icon in status bar when someone is typing a message.
- Added various menu items (save contents of window, toggle Always on Top, etc).
- Brings conversation window to front if you try to start a new conversation with someone you're already in a conversation with.
- Displayed name is now updated when persons you're in conversation with changes their display name.
- Makes use of display name sent by server from when user initially entered conversation instead of name which the client you're in a conversation with tells you (to prevent name spoofing).
- Notifies of session expiration instead of just displaying that the user left the conversation.

Known Issues:
- Sign In, Sign Out, Send a File, Open Received Files, Open Message History options don't do anything.
- Support for receiving files isn't totally working yet (will work for some users, but not others).