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Started by Mitosis, October 24, 2003, 04:51 PM

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Hey guys, I wanna learn VB and C++. I got a dummies book for C++ but it like really sucks. I live in canada and the place I buy books at is Chapters. Know whats a good book thats a resonable price for me?


* CupHead suggests eBooks.

They're free, and if you really like them, you can buy a hard copy.


Actually, C++ for dummies is good, as is More C++ for dummies.  I've never read them cover to cover, but I did read the first few chapters of each.  The only part I didnt' like is how they introduced pointers (which are a difficult topic for people who are new to C++, it seems) very early.

Also, if you live near a University, I would suggest browsing their book store in the CS section.  I find a lot more good books there than at regular bookstores, but you'll end up spending a lot more money.  And I've never heard of a university only allowing students to purchase books.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Alright where could I get a VB one?


iago, Im 13 years old, they wont let me in lol


Quote from: Mitosis on October 24, 2003, 05:30 PM
iago, Im 13 years old, they wont let me in lol

They will.. if they're selling books for $80/each (like the University of Manitoba), they don't care who's buying them.  Or you can get your parents to buy them :
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I also live in Canada, and I used to buy my books at Chapters. I can tell you, it's much cheaper to buy your books from Amazon. You can get extremely good deals by buying second-hand books from sellers at the  American website. I remember getting a book, which was selling for $89 in Chapters, for $10. Don't make the same mistake i've made in the past; make sure you research lots before dishing out $75 for a book.

Right now you need to pick a language and stick with it. Concentrate on learning that language. Once you know one language itt'l be much easier to learn another. Don't concern yourself with learning many right now, just learn how to program. You'll be one-up by going with C++ over, say VB.
Eibro of Yeti Lovers.


If you're lucky, you might have a half price computer book store near you. (www.halfpricecomputerbooks.ca)


Are there any VB books on the net like that C++ one I just got? See I wanna get a variety, then print them off and decide which one I wanna learn first.


Quote from: Moonshine on October 24, 2003, 07:51 PM
If you're lucky, you might have a half price computer book store near you. (www.halfpricecomputerbooks.ca)

ACK!  Those books are horribly expensive!  About $20 higher than you might buy at Books-A-Million:

For example, look at this one, for MCSD.NET Core Requirements:
HalfPriceComputerBooks, $135.99

Books-A-Million, $107.99


Hey Grok, I am having a problem with one of the Ebooks. Could maybe you help me. Alright its a book for C++, and its in Adobe Acrobat. I want to print it and it wont let me. Know how I could?


Quote from: Mitosis on October 25, 2003, 09:03 AM
Hey Grok, I am having a problem with one of the Ebooks. Could maybe you help me. Alright its a book for C++, and its in Adobe Acrobat. I want to print it and it wont let me. Know how I could?

What do you mean "one of the ebooks"?


Hitman gave me this link for a book. http://planetpdf.com/mainpage.asp?WebPageID=315
So I dled it and it wont let me print it out.


That book is in two volumes, I'm assuming you got the first one (which is 800+ pages). Are you sure you want to print all that out?