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Our coach cracks me up...

Started by DarkMinion, October 14, 2003, 02:30 PM

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I am firmly convinced that everything he says to the media is meant to mess with their heads, and it cracks me up greatly...Alot of these reporters always ask stupid questions like "How does it feel to score 42 points against this defense, Coach?"  I think questions like these amuse him, and he tries to mess with their minds a little when he respons.

1) A reporter asks him after the Iowa State game: "Was it part of your game plan to try to get alot of rushing yards to keep them off balance?"  He fires back with: "We tried to throw a lot the last five games so we could get a couple hundred yards rushing this game, and it all worked out exactly to plan."

2) A reporter asks him whether our botched fake field goal attempt vs. NC State was supposed to be run or pass, he comes back with "Your guess is as good as mine."

3) A reporter asks him in the preseason about our goal of allowing fewer points defensively, so he says: "Well, were aiming for zero points allowed per game, but I imagine well end up somewhere north of that."

4) He was asked about our low preseason ranking, and what he thought of all the "expert" sports writers: "Some of the greatest minds in college sports have us rated about 75th, so we're obviously not very good, and we are going to try to build on that as the season goes on." - Note the obvious sarcasm.

5) After the New Mexico game, before which many of these genius sports writers had ranked us below New Mexico, he was asked how he felt about the team's performance, and he fires back with: "Correct me if I'm wrong, but this was an upset wasn't it?  So I suppose we, uh, did pretty good." - More sarcasm.

6) A reporter asks him about his contract issues: "I've specifically concentrated on not concentrating on this, and up until now, I've done a really good job."

7) The best for last...Texas A&M loves to bitch about our fans for some reason, while they claim to have the best fans in the Big XII.  Here are a couple of Leach's comments on this: "A&M wants to rip on our fans and all that. Our fans are as good as their fans are. One thing our fans don't do is sit around and whine about other teams' fans. A&M spent a significant part of the week whining about what our fans are like." - and - "It's interesting to me that all these Aggies — whether they're at A&M or here — are sitting around with halos over their heads and they have some divine expertise on fanmanship. I just don't believe that's the case. For the record, I think our fans are better than the Aggie fans." - Nice to see our coach getting into the spirit of the rivalry.

I absolutely love this guy....glad to hear we're working on a long-term multi-million dollar contract for him.  He needs to stay.



I'd have to post alot of URLs, because those come from alot of different articles...I got them from a "Leach Quote Thread" on our message board.