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Format help

Started by OuTLawZGoSu, September 30, 2003, 06:31 PM

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Sup... Im using on Windows Xp pro. It fucked up and it wont start. i need to format it or remove the existing windows. can someone help me out?

I used a boot disk but it wont load. the same for the cd rom. it just tells me that windows did not start successfully and shows me a bonch of options.

safemode with networking
safemode with commadn prompt

last workin config

None of them work.
after the boot screen, the screen goes blank and doesent do anything.



where do i type that?

The command prompt does nto start also.

"Safemode with Command Prompt"


Uhh, boot into the recovery console if you have your windows CD.


Check your BIOS for the boot order, make sure CD-Rom and Floppy are listed before IDE-0.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Ok, i started it with teh cd and it showd a menu. if i want to make a new partition or recover the old one. i picked the old one and selected C:WINDOWS. ( the only choice) then it asked me for the Asdministrative password. i dont no it . how can i find it out?


It was set when you installed windows.

You *might* be able to change it link this:
Control Panel
Administrative tools
Computer Management
Right-click on Administrator
Click on Set-password
Give it a password
Select "yes" to the warning

I'm not sure if it'll let you do this, but it's worth a try! :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


He'll have a hard time changing the administrative password if
It fucked up and it wont start
(He's reffering to windows :P)

If you didn't have an administrative password try not putting one at all, try using your password etc.


Haha good point, reminds me of a family guy quote:
"Do you even listen to yourself?"
"I drift in and out"
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


lmao, i love that one :)


if you have a win2k cd, you can boot up the XP recovery console without supplying the adminstrative password.



Download the WinXP boot set (6 disks) and create the boot disks. Boot into bios as stated before and make sure the boot order is your Floppy, CD-Rom drive (or vice versa) and then your Master HD. Make sure the first boot disk is in before starting and boot up. The disk will get picked up and bring you to the normal setup screen. It will load a series of tools and files and will keep prompting you to insert the next disk until you get to the point where you can delete the partition, create a new one and format it using an NTFS system.  You should know what to do from there. If not then come back for more briefing :) Don't even fuck with the recovery console. Go straight to the disks and boot it that way. If that works come back and tell us what happens.
To restrict ones ability to learn based on current surroundings means to never learn anything at all. - DarkVirus