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Started by Joker, September 28, 2003, 02:47 PM

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hello, i'm Joker, i enjoy reading your forums(everyday :P), never bothered to register an account until now.
I'm canadian eh, so i speak english and french, but i'm Portuguese(so i speak portuguese too!)
I enjoy alot of things in life, such as computing, the fine women(my girlfriend), gaming, playing sports, i enjoy learning programming.
Been on Battle.net since...late 1998
Used to "war" with ~TG|{~, {][)K} and other warring clans, aswell as gaming clans.
Anyways, that's who i am!


hello, eu sou Joker, mim aprecío ler seus forums, nunca incomodados registar um cliente até agora. Eu sou canadian eh, assim que eu falo inglês e francês, mas eu sou de Portuguese(so que eu falo o português!) Eu aprecío o alot das coisas na vida, tal como computar, o girlfriend women(my fino), gaming, jogando esportes, mim aprecío aprender a programação. Sido em Battle.net desde... tarde 1998 usou-se "guerrear" com o ~TG|{~, {][)K} e outros clans guerreando, também como clans do gaming. Em todo o caso, aquele é quem eu sou!


Bonjour, je suis Joker, j'ai plaisir à lire vos forums(tous les jours :P), j'ai jamais pris la peine pour enregistrer un compte jusqu'a maintenant. Je suis canadien mon esti!, ainsi je parle l'anglais et le français, mais je suis Portugais. J'apprécie beaucoup des choses dans la vie, telle que les ordinateurs, ma blonde, jeu video, jouer des sports, j'ai le plaisir à apprendre de la programmation. Été sur Battle.net depuis... tard 1998 "faisaient la guerre" avec ~TG|{~, {][)K} et d'autres clans faisants la guerre, aussi comme clans de jeu. En tout cas, c'est qui je suis!


Quote from: Joker on September 28, 2003, 02:47 PM
but i'm from Portuguese(so i speak portuguese!)
Anyone else notice what's wrong with this? :P


No, but I think we all know what's wrong with you.


Quote from: Hitmen on September 28, 2003, 04:28 PM
Quote from: Joker on September 28, 2003, 02:47 PM
but i'm from Portuguese(so i speak portuguese!)
Anyone else notice what's wrong with this? :P

No. But did you know that Yoni is from Hebrew?


So says the Canadia guy.


Actually, I'm from English.

(Note to Yoni - there's no Canadian language)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


wow...a typo goes a long way...   :-\


Quote from: Joker on September 29, 2003, 06:37 AM
wow...a typo goes a long way...   :-\

Beh, you just had to edit it and ruin all the fun!

Btw, your name is very confusing considering we already have a j0k3r here, and you don't want to be confused with him anyway :-P
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Not to mention that we have a Joker as one of our members... ::)

This could get downright confusing!
Quote from: iago on February 02, 2005, 03:07 PM
Yes, you can't have everybody...contributing to the main source repository.  That would be stupid and create chaos.

Opensource projects...would be dumb.


IMPOSTER! lol...

Isn't it portugal?
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


Quote from: j0k3r on September 29, 2003, 03:08 PM
IMPOSTER! lol...

Isn't it portugal?
I'm not sure  ::)

Either way, these silly Jokers better make way for the REAL Clown :P

ps: obviously it's from portugal!!!