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Important!! (Well, not really)

Started by iago, September 25, 2003, 11:25 PM

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Everybody should read this, but I won't name any specific names:
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:

Soul Taker


Dilbert is great but I don't see why you posted this to the general forum instead of to the fun forum where it probably would've fit in rather well as it is a pretty fun series all over and I actually read it quite regularly which reminds me that I should look for some program to automatically download all the new episodes once a day or once a week or so to produce a collection of all of the Dilbert episodes over an extended period of time so that I don't miss any episodes if I forget to visit www.dilbert.com but maybe someone has a good suggestion for this what do i know anyway you're welcome to suggest options or even to suggest some archival site that I could use to look at old episodes actually maybe it's possible to buy those episodes in book form or something like that that would be pretty ok like if I could order it from Amazon in UK because they deliver fast to Sweden and the last time I ordered something from them I got in less than a week which is much faster than I had expected and much faster than what their web page listed so they probably have a rather pessimistic listing of delivery times in their online order checking thing but that could be improved I'm sure so it's not really a big problem and I highly recommend them to anyone wanting to order books or cds or dvds although they don't have Swedish subtitles which I'd prefer because it makes it easier to understand when people talk too fast and don't pause properly when talking but on the other hand you can just rewind the DVD a bit and that pretty much does the thing so you hear it once more and this time maybe you understand what it was they wanted to say but I don't know any good player to do that for Divx movies so if you know of one please tell me about it and where I can get it.


Well, at least you used the curly thing occasionally :P

From what I gathered from what I read before my head hurt, you can do it with the Dilbert.com mailing list.  Every day, the newest dilbert comic arrives in my email.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Blazer has the daily Dilbert comic displayed in our login script at work.  Legal dept made him take it out today, until we get letter authorizing us to us it that way.


Quote from: Grok on September 26, 2003, 11:45 PM
Blazer has the daily Dilbert comic displayed in our login script at work.  Legal dept made him take it out today, until we get letter authorizing us to us it that way.
Gee, legal departments seem to be so good at increasing worker productivity -- "they're having fun, STOP THEM!"?


Great idea, any chance you could ask him how he rips out the daily dilbert? :P


Yeh no problem.  There's a link on the dilbert site to subscribe to them.


And he gets them from the email into the login script?


Quote from: Grok on September 26, 2003, 11:45 PM
Blazer has the daily Dilbert comic displayed in our login script at work.  Legal dept made him take it out today, until we get letter authorizing us to us it that way.

Just send an email to Scott Adams, from what I've heard he's a really cool guy and will personally respond to your message.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV: