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hi I am new need help coding in asm?

Started by Atlas99, September 24, 2003, 09:51 PM

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hi I need some help coding Editbox for ip and port
so I can type in server ip and port number and also hostname in editbox for each 1..?
I been looking for a tut to show me how to use edit boxes for ip and port and hostname and I have not come across any thing to guide me in the process of finishing my program.
now the tools I am using is Masm32 QEDITOR to code in.
I am not using Visual basic 6.0 or visual Studio C++ .NET..
even though I have those tools.
So if you have any suggestion can you make sure it is in coding in QEDITOR asm langue please?
so I can get a better idea on what to use for opcodes and registers and so on..


This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I suggest www.win32asm.cjb.net... you should find some good tutorials there.  You probably want to start out basic and just code some neat little useless things to get use to asm.  Once you feel like you have a good handle on asm, then get a few tutorials on winsock & asm.  You should find the winsock & asm tutorials there too.


Use DialogBox or CreateWindow to create your windows. If you use CreateWindow, note that you need to write a message loop too.

Banana fanna fo fanna

Well, you could try coding it in C++ and see what assembly it generates.


Quote from: TheMinistered on September 25, 2003, 01:37 AM
I suggest www.win32asm.cjb.net... you should find some good tutorials there.  You probably want to start out basic and just code some neat little useless things to get use to asm.  Once you feel like you have a good handle on asm, then get a few tutorials on winsock & asm.  You should find the winsock & asm tutorials there too.

well I already have learned a bit of asm from Icezlion tuts.
I am using winsock but I didnt see any thing there about using editboxes and using the Ipcontrol with it.
so when i use the editboxes for port and ip I can type in the ip address and port number for complete connection.
and I am not sure if I should use hostname in a editbox as well.
but my main goal is to get an idea how to code the editboxes using ip and port ..
I have not came across a tut yet using ip or port.
and in Icezlion tut there is nothing there using ip or port configureation..
so I am not sure what to use for that type of code config, for it..


Did you look up the dialog box apis in win32?


Quote from: Adron on September 26, 2003, 10:33 AM
Did you look up the dialog box apis in win32?

well let me see if I can define my question more clear..
I now how to call the IDC_EDIT boxes for the dialog.
what my inqueery is to what would I have to use to get the .elseif eax==IDC_EDIT1
        <invoke ?? >
Im not sure what to use for invoke call function for say IP addres EDITbox ID statement.
and what to really use for
.elseif eax==IDC_EDIT2
    <invoke ??>  for port call connection statment..
that portion of the coding in asm I am at a lost for coding..
Im not sure that to use so I want be using the data register's

hostname db " ",0
IPaddress dd " ",0
Port dd " ",0

Im still a bit lost on that portion of coding in asm using dialog application template.
and I asure you I did practice a bit in icezlion tut from tutorial 1 through to 12 tut.
so I now some of it for basics.
So I know how to dialog tamplates and how to create and call my own dialog in asm QEDITOR.
I guess I still need to get used to it more.
but theres not tomuch out there using QEDITOR asm32.
I wish there was more things out there for this tool and coding in asm.
I beleive I got most of it work okay.
I just want to make sure of my self and get a bit help on the invoke calls for the EDITboxes.

maybe my code may help out a bit more to see if any you can help me configure it correctely ?

.model flat, stdcall  ;32 bit memory model
option casemap :none  ;case sensitive

include /masm32/include/windows.inc
include /masm32/include/user32.inc
include /masm32/include/kernel32.inc
include /masm32/include/ws2_32.inc
include /masm32/include/wsock32.inc

includelib /masm32/lib/kernel32.lib
includelib /masm32/lib/user32.lib
includelib /masm32/lib/ws2_32.lib
includelib /masm32/lib/wsock32.lib


IDD_DIALOG1                        equ 101                                    
IDC_BTN1                                               equ 1002
IDC_Quit                                                 equ 1003
IDC_EDIT1                                               equ 2
IDC_EDIT2                                               equ 3
IDC_EDIT3                                               equ 4

WM_SOCKET       equ WM_USER + 100
MAXSIZE equ 297
MEMSIZE equ 3,119,892

ClassName db "test",0
AppName  db "test",0
Caption db "test",0
Text db "Winsock",0
Buffer db "00000000 01 03 44 40 0B 0F 02 E8 76 04 C3 CA FA 15 C4 FF"
db "00000010 21 48 C3 05 92 5D 26 C3 00 00 9C C2 40 69 BA 44"
db "00000020 6C 04 96 00 00 00 00 00 5E 81 28 BF 00 00 00 00"
db "00000030 F4 B8 40 3F FD 01 64 0F 00 41 00 00 31 08 00 00"
db "00000040 27 02 00 00 32 08 00 00"

Flag    db "ACK+PSH"

hostname db " ",0
IPaddress dd " ",0
Port dd " ",0    <---do have to use this if using EDITboxes    

hInstance         dd ?
hWnd            dd ?
hLib dd ?
sock SOCKET ?
wsadata WSADATA <>
sa sockaddr_in <>
saSize dd ?
hMemory dd ?        
buffer dd ?                       ; address of the memory block
available_data dd ?
actual_data_read dd ?
hwndEdit HWND ?



   invoke GetModuleHandle,NULL
   mov      hInstance,eax
   invoke WSAStartup, 200h,addr wsadata
     invoke DialogBoxParam,hInstance,IDD_DIALOG1,NULL,addr DlgProc,NULL
     invoke GetDlgItem,IDD_DIALOG1,IDC_EDIT1
     invoke SetFocus,eax
     invoke GetDlgItem,IDD_DIALOG1,IDC_EDIT2
     invoke SetFocus,eax
     invoke GetDlgItem,IDD_DIALOG1,IDC_EDIT3
     invoke SetFocus,eax

   invoke ExitProcess,0

DlgProc proc hWin:HWND,uMsg:UINT,wParam:WPARAM,lParam:LPARAM

   mov      eax,uMsg
   .if eax==WM_INITDIALOG
      push hWin
   .elseif eax==WM_COMMAND
      push wParam  
      pop eax      
      mov      eax,wParam
      and      eax,0FFFFh
      .if eax==IDC_Quit
             invoke ExitProcess,0

           .elseif eax==IDC_BTN1                                    
           invoke WSAAsyncSelect,socket,AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP  ;creates TCP socket
           invoke ioctlsocket, socket, FIONREAD, addr available_data
           mov sock,eax
      mov sa.sin_family, AF_INET
      invoke htons, Port
      mov sa.sin_port,ax
           invoke inet_addr, addr IPaddress
      mov sa.sin_addr,eax
      mov saSize, sizeof sa  ;everything above this just fills in the struct info              
           invoke GlobalAlloc, GHND, available_data
           mov hMemory,eax
           invoke GlobalLock, eax
           mov buffer,eax
           invoke recv, socket, buffer, available_data, 279
           mov actual_data_read, eax
           invoke inet_addr, addr hostname

           invoke WSAAsyncSelect,socket,AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,IPPROTO_UDP  ;creates UDP socket
           invoke ioctlsocket, socket, FIONREAD, addr available_data
           mov sock,eax
      mov sa.sin_family, AF_INET
      invoke htons, Port
      mov sa.sin_port,ax
           invoke inet_addr, addr IPaddress
      mov sa.sin_addr,eax
      mov saSize, sizeof sa  ;everything above this just fills in the struct info              
           invoke GlobalAlloc, GHND, available_data
           mov hMemory,eax
           invoke GlobalLock, eax
           mov buffer,eax
           invoke recv, socket, buffer, available_data, 279
           mov actual_data_read, eax
           invoke inet_addr, addr hostname

      invoke connect,sock,addr sa, addr saSize  ;connects to socket


         invoke send,sock,offset Buffer, sizeof Buffer, 297   ;send data
         invoke recv,sock,offset Buffer, sizeof Buffer, 297   ;recv data

        .elseif eax==IDC_EDIT1
             invoke inet_addr, addr IPaddress

   Is this correct??  ^
      .elseif eax==IDC_EDIT2
                 invoke htons, Port


   .elseif eax==WM_CLOSE
         invoke WSACleanup   ;cleans up Winsock
           invoke GlobalUnlock, buffer
           invoke GlobalFree, hMemory
           invoke EndDialog,hWin,0
           invoke ExitProcess,0
      mov      eax,FALSE
   mov      eax,TRUE

DlgProc endp

end start

I aslo have 1 more question too..
I been trying to add a hotkey EDitbox to my program.
I tried using one of Icezlion tut for hotkey and looked over thier source code for it as well and well I just couldnt seem to get the hotkey to work my project..
I tried using two types of method for hotkey and still No luck in getting to work with the program.
I fixed most of the errors it came up with, but the last 1 was invoke not in control block or some thing like that..
does any one have a suggestion or some thing I can use for a hotkey??