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Take a look at this.

Started by EvilCheese, September 12, 2003, 06:52 PM

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I suggest any of you US citizens who has confidence in your government should take a look at this...


I'm not a big fan of conspiracy theories, but this seems rather suspect to me. What do you think?


Please don't be stupid.

The points of damage caused by the wings is circled in YELLOW. The plane, (as anyone who understands any tiny aspect of aviation dynamics) did not crash STRAIGHT into the WH's side. It hit the white house in a descent, and never actually HIT the white house. The damage was caused by the NOSE area, and due to the angle of the impact, the wings were never able to cause any real damage, EXCEPT for the small scathing toward the bottom. The only way the wings would actually be able to do damage is if the plane collided with the White House at a near perfect 180 degree straight line, which most ace pilots wouldn't be able to accomplish.

Try not to believe liberal propaganda, because quite frankly, that's all it is. Fortunately, the people who start such disgusting conspiracy theories don't tend to be very intelligent, and so the faults in their arguments aren't too difficult to point out.  


It's french propoganda! You can see the writing in french on the page. They want people to think the govenment killed off a plane full of people to cover something up, just to make the US look bad! :P

And you said "white house" rather than "pentagon" quite a few times.



To be honest... I would say that I can see how the lower damage can be construed as wing damage... but if you take into account the height of the building and the height of the wings and engines above ground level, I would have expected to see more wreckage... or at least some part of the fuselage.

I did some research and there's ALWAYS a large part of the fuselage remaining after passenger plane impacts and detonations.

Also, although the damage after the wall fell seems quite impressive, the hole in the front of the building doesnt look at all like I would expect considering the size of the plane involved.

From the pictures, I'm pretty sure something hit it... probably something flying.... but I remain unconvinced that it was a large passenger plane.

Eyewitness reports also claimed the vehicle that hit it was "a private jet, maybe holding 8-16 people" and that the engine noise was "a high pitched screeching, like a fighter jet"

Cruise missile perhaps?

Edit: And incidentally, I dont know anything about liberal propaganda... I'm assessing this from the unbiased viewpoint of an outsider. (I'm English)

Try looking at it without your patriot-tinted spectacles. ;)


Quote from: EvilCheese on September 12, 2003, 08:29 PM
Try looking at it without your patriot-tinted spectacles. ;)

That would be impossible.


Quote from: EvilCheese on September 12, 2003, 06:52 PM
I suggest any of you US citizens who has confidence in your government should take a look at this...

Eww, silly English person dissing our government!
Removed image, if you're EvilCheese: Go HERE! :P


Intresting, i have done a large amount of research into this paticular subject and it has lead me to believe that not ALL the facts are as they seem.  
 The avarage run of the mill 767 that was apprently used in the sucide collision consisted of 3 key materials these being aluminium titanium and steel. The official report says that the lack of debris was caused by immense heat that didn't just reduce the metal to a liquid state but completly incinerated it leaving no trace behind. I'm not sure of the exact melting point of titanium but it is far greater than aluminium which recyled at 700c. The combustion temperature of the jet fuel is 800C, This could explain some incineration of the main body of the jet but certainly not the wings (which were apprently detached upon collision) and certaintly not the titanium + steel parts of the craft. I have many more facts in a lot greater detail to support this but for now post is getting too big :)


Melting point: 1668 °C (3034 °F)
Boiling point: 3287 °C (5949 °F)


Haha, stupidity is so fun to watch.


Haha, stupidity is so fun to watch.

n 1: a poor ability to understand or to profit from experience

Yes, it's amazing the way that in the face of evidence and past experience, people still continually swallow everything and anything that the corrupt politicians and media spindoctors hand to them without question, just to avoid casting doubt on their national integrity.

You'd think they'd have learned by now wouldnt you?


The government may not be very smart but I sure as hell think they wouldn't kill off a plane full of people for something like that.


Conspiracty theorists are a nuisance. The idea that the government would allow such things to happen is sheer madness. These people blame our perception as the reason we don't accept their ideas.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


What you have to remember is that on occasion, some conspiracy theorists actually get the right end of things.

Take the Waco massacre as a perfect example if you want to see how much the US government values human life, or perhaps the thousands of Iraqi civilians who died due to the US embargos and sanctions on the import of medicine and goods.

Any government only values life so far as it convenient, this is an undeniable fact.

If you want to know how much GWB values life.... check out how many people he personally had executed when he was governer of Texas. You might be surprised.

What more people need to do is to LOOK at what's going on around them. The US government (and the English government for that matter) get up to enough shady stuff that they DONT hide. things that are plain and documented for anyone who wants to look.

The problem is that most people dont want to look.. they dont want to face the idea of the CIA investing in drug trade, they dont want to consider the dodgy foreign policies.. they dont want to consider the fact that the very terrorists that are plaguing them were trained and armed by their own agencies.

Why dont they want to consider it?

I dont know... why dont you tell me?


I'm not saying they value life at all, but making a plane full of people disappear without evididence is not an easy thing to do, even for someone as "powerful" as the government.

QuoteAny government only values life so far as it convenient
That reminds me of this :)