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General BotNet Information

Started by Spht, September 11, 2003, 04:29 PM

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In order to log on to BotNet, you need a Bot ID and hub password (chosen by you). Only BotNet administrators (Skywing) can create unique BotNet bot accounts. You can contact BotNet administrators in the Battle.net Op [vL] channel at USEast, or send them a private message on the forum. Open requests for BotNet accounts will be deleted.

By "account," I mean the Bot ID and hub password you send in 0x01: log on to botnet.

Unique user accounts (which other users on BotNet see you as if you're logged on) can be created yourself using 0x0d: account management. It is not necessary that you log on to a BotNet user account, it simply makes it easier for other users to identify you.

In order to send messages on BotNet, you must be on a database.  There are some databases that are publically available just for chatting, such as the MiniCouncil database.  Ask around for the password, because I don't know it!

BotNet protocol specification

