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vB Bot

Started by JeDi, September 03, 2003, 09:18 AM

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I'm sure Microsoft stole the entire source code for Windows, as well as the rest of their products, j0k3r. ::)


I know they practically stole DOS(I think it was DOS) from a bunch of college students... But what's the point in having programmers if you just steal everything?

On a side note: That would explain why windows are so full of bugs, they didn't bother testing the software compatibility... But it still doens't seem right.
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


Sheeze guys, all i want was like something to like look off of. Kinda like a teacher. But thats cool though, hazard helped me out pretty well. Oh and where can i find a copy of VB for cheap. I have it at school but, thats all


Quote from: j0k3r on September 04, 2003, 06:12 AM
I know they practically stole DOS(I think it was DOS) from a bunch of college students... But what's the point in having programmers if you just steal everything?

On a side note: That would explain why windows are so full of bugs, they didn't bother testing the software compatibility... But it still doens't seem right.

They actually bought it from a small company.

To quote a dilbert cartoon:
[pointy haired manager]: to save money, we bought a used report from another company! It says we should sell something called "dos" to something called "microsoft".  I have a good feeling about this!
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Except that Microsoft was in those days, Micro Soft.


QuoteBut what's the point in having programmers if you just steal everything?

If there was no programmers, What is there to steal?


Quote from: Arki on September 05, 2003, 07:18 PMIf there was no programmers, What is there to steal?
*cough* verb tense.


Quote from: Camel on September 05, 2003, 08:15 PM
Quote from: Arki on September 05, 2003, 07:18 PMIf there was no programmers, What is there to steal?
*cough* verb tense.

You're not the grammar police.  Stop wasting our time with all your empty useless replies.


I don't see how it was useless.  It fully anwsers Arki's question.

Banana fanna fo fanna



Microsoft plagerized apple and apple plagerized zerox and ect. Anyway if you cant program VB then your bot wont be able to do much except for connect to bnet. Get a book on vb (I recomend a step by step book by the microsoft press), read it and then the only thing that will stop you from making the best bot ever is your own imagination and the ammount of effort you want to put in to it. Im going to sleep. Good night


I belive apple bought from xerox.
And it would probably be closer to theft than plagerism.


If your going to learn VB at all then I wouldn't recommend any Step by Step books by microsoft untill you have a little experience behind you. My vb.net microsoft book is crap. I understand all of it but for a beginner it would seem intimidating. I do recommend my favorite programming author though, www.johnsmiley.com  that's his website and he sells various language books and I've read his vb 6.0 series and it was wonderful and down to earth for the real beginners. I bought his objects, databases and examples book just for fun and cause I needed reference code, but his Learn to Program with Visual Basic 6.0 is a great book.

In reply to just wanting to learn to make a bot, I can't begin to tell everyone how many people come into the vL chan or ask on the forums or message us on chat clients to how to create a bot! This is the last time and I think I speak for everyone, learn a fucking language before you start asking how to connect to BNLS or how to re-create the already stolen code you need to add connectivity to. I'm sick of people IMing me asking these stupid questions and when I respond with "Did you learn anything or buy a book etc..." and they reply with "well no..." or some other various excuse, that's when someone should be labled as a true newbie.

Newbies to programming have all the right to come to the forums and ask our help or other people's help but don't ask anything "advanced" if you don't even have a background in the language yet or can't even define various vocab words such as "class" or "event".  :-\
To restrict ones ability to learn based on current surroundings means to never learn anything at all. - DarkVirus


Notice I recomended that series for vb 6. I have it also for vb.net to and it is crap. The reason I recomended it (well actualy I was going to edit it but then I fell asleep) was it teaches all the basics but then it goes into teaching about almost every control you can think of in detail for vb 6. I figured that could be very usefull for making somthing like a bot. I didnt have any problem understanding it and it was my first book.

I wouldnt recomend using stolen  or even open source code. I orignaly took the winsock and login sequance out of one of the first open source "binary" bots and it was god awfully coded. The author put the program in a loop when ever it recieved the start of a packet and it would constently crash the program. After 4 hours of debugging I fixed the error but also realized I could have just programmed this myself is in half the time. Moral of the story: shit happens


I know you recommended that series for vb6 but I was commenting on microsoft's books in general based on the vb.net book I own.  8)
To restrict ones ability to learn based on current surroundings means to never learn anything at all. - DarkVirus
