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Login and pass Invalid..

Started by FLiPPY_, August 29, 2003, 04:10 PM

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(Visual basic 6) Yes I double checked the password.. and username. Ok.. so I've decided to try and make a bot with hashes.. (already did the CSB) so it like says this.. when you try to connect

Connected To useast.battle.net
Battle.net Accepted Your Game Version
Sending 0x09 Packet..
Sending CDKey..
Sending Client Register..

CDKey Verified!
Sending Username..
Sending Password..
Login Failed!

The problem I'm having is with the Login Valid part..
I guess heres my code fro send username and password

Public Sub SendstrUserPassword(strUser As String, Password As String)
On Error Resume Next
Dim dbseed As Double
Dim dblkey As Double
Dim dblSeed As Double
Dim lngSeed As Long
Dim lngKey As Long
Dim lngValue1 As Long
Dim lngValue2 As Long
Dim lngValue3 As Long
Name = strUser
pass = Password
dblSeed = Val("&h" & StrToHex(StrReverse(serverhash)))
dblkey = GetTickCount
lngSeed = CLng(dblSeed)
lngKey = CLng(dblkey)
HashPass Password, Len(Password), lngKey, lngSeed, lngValue1, lngValue2, lngValue3
pbuffer.InsertDWORD CLng(dblkey)
pbuffer.InsertDWORD CLng(dblSeed)
pbuffer.InsertDWORD lngKey
pbuffer.InsertDWORD lngSeed
pbuffer.InsertDWORD lngValue1
pbuffer.InsertDWORD lngValue2
pbuffer.InsertDWORD lngValue3
pbuffer.InsertNTString strUser
pbuffer.sendPacket &H29
AddSpeech vbYellow, "Sending Username.."
AddSpeech vbYellow, "Sending Password.."
End Sub

Maybe something is out of date?
edit - yes i did see this post.. http://forum.valhallalegends.com/phpbbs/index.php?board=17;action=display;threadid=2378
it didnt help..


that error seems to come up very often, it usually appears when your connecting more then 4 users on the same name.... it happened to me a couple of times. that is just my hypthesis, im not totally sure about this because i never played around with it.


No.. thats not it.. but thanks for the sugestion.


I think I am hte most dumbest man in the world.. where i specified were to get the username and password from the Ini File.. I spelled Configuration as Congfiuration.. so it didn't load the pass.. anyways it's fixed now. :D

Soul Taker


Yes, that should have been an obvious error when stepping through the code.