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Possibility Putting A Bot On A Website

Started by UnderCover, August 24, 2003, 07:16 AM

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Banana fanna fo fanna

Won't work on Apache...that's why I don't recommend it, but it looks like this guy doesn't feel like thinking.


Last time I used IIS it was still rather buggy and, in general, eww. I've been a dedicated Apache fan ever since -- mostly because at the time I had to host on my linux box, and I was too lazy to recreate all of the different virtual sites when I moved back to windows. Anyways, are there any reasons I should be using IIS rather than Apache?


Ive been using Apache on my dedicated server from the start...

One reason I use it is because I found a french program that easily setups PHP for me and MySql.  Its easy to use and its in English!  lol

Another Reason I don't use IIS is im not sure how it works :(

Doesn Anyone have any GOOD reasons why or why not to use IIS


Use IIS if you have a Windows server that you want to run it on.

Use IIS if you want to integrate with existing Windows-based services (say Active Directory, or using accounts from a Windows domain to authenticate users).

Use Apache if you have a non-Windows server that you want to run it on.

Use Apache if you can't accept the cost of a Windows server. (Notably high licensing cost for authenticating users)

Use whichever server can run any particular server-side application you want to run.


would this php command work to connect to bnet?


$ip = "useast.battle.net";
$port = "6112";

$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);

if (!$socket == false) {
   echo "Socket Was Not Created";
} else {
socket_connect($socket, $ip, $port);

if (!socket_connect($socket, $ip, $port)) {
   die("Sock_Error: Socket was unable to Connect.\n");
echo $msg;



how owuld i get php to decode and tell bnet wut client im using whne i connect thorugh a socket?


Quote from: UnderCover on August 26, 2003, 09:02 PM
$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
if (!$socket == false) {
   echo "Socket Was Not Created";
} ...

If the boolean not of the return value is false, wouldn't that indicate success? The only way to get !<value> to be true is to have <value> set to zero, which wouldn't be a very useful socket...



Banana fanna fo fanna

Here is my comparison of Apache and IIS (disclaimer: this is about as unbiased as my VB and Java posts)

- IIS threading vs Apache forking, threading is superior thus higher performance

- Apache runs most everywhere, while IIS on windows. Unix OS's are generally more stable and faster and run on a more variety of hardware.

- Apache is mostly command-line, while IIS is gui. Command line is a good thing, because it's incredibly easy to make tons of changes across multiple remote servers compared to GUI.

- IIS 6 runs a module in kernel mode which is flamboyantly gay. Performance my ass.

- IIS 6 has ASP.net which owns every other serverside language out there hands down. IIS also has PHP but it runs as CGI so it kinda sucks.

- Apache has PHP which is pretty easy but doesn't work for large projects. JSP/Servlets are really cool...but don't try to set up an app server without a lot of coffee and liquor.

Overall...in a perfect world:
- Use Apache on FreeBSD to be your gateway to the world. Serve all your static files from here.

- Set Apache to proxy ASPX/windows EXE requests to your IIS server behind the firewall.

- Set Apache to proxy your scripting stuff to a Linux box behind the firewall. Linux supports the most scripting languages.

- Set all your database stuff to use Postgres on a FreeBSD or linux box.

My 2cents


The threading vs forking question is true on Win32, but on another OS it might be very different. Win32 is just not optimized for forking. Forking makes it more stable - a fault in a thread might kill the whole process since it shares memory.

Apache is command line yes, but most of the configuration is done in files anyway. IIS configuration is done in a metabase that you can modify through scripting. In most cases when you modify an apache file, you'll do that too by shell scripting. They seem equal there to me.

IIS6 runs a module in kernel mode which should improve performance. Much like linux has a kernel mode nfs server for better performance than the user mode one. The trade-off is that a bug will blue screen your IIS server instead of just killing an apache process. One is rather fatal and the other won't impact the server much at all.


Quote from: St0rm.iD on August 27, 2003, 03:25 PM
Here is my comparison of Apache and IIS (disclaimer: this is about as unbiased as my VB and Java posts)

- IIS threading vs Apache forking, threading is superior thus higher performance

- Apache runs most everywhere, while IIS on windows. Unix OS's are generally more stable and faster and run on a more variety of hardware.

- Apache is mostly command-line, while IIS is gui. Command line is a good thing, because it's incredibly easy to make tons of changes across multiple remote servers compared to GUI.

- IIS 6 runs a module in kernel mode which is flamboyantly gay. Performance my ass.

- IIS 6 has ASP.net which owns every other serverside language out there hands down. IIS also has PHP but it runs as CGI so it kinda sucks.

- Apache has PHP which is pretty easy but doesn't work for large projects. JSP/Servlets are really cool...but don't try to set up an app server without a lot of coffee and liquor.

Overall...in a perfect world:
- Use Apache on FreeBSD to be your gateway to the world. Serve all your static files from here.

- Set Apache to proxy ASPX/windows EXE requests to your IIS server behind the firewall.

- Set Apache to proxy your scripting stuff to a Linux box behind the firewall. Linux supports the most scripting languages.

- Set all your database stuff to use Postgres on a FreeBSD or linux box.

My 2cents
Actually, we use IIS with PHP-ISAPI and it works (mostly) fine.  Occasionally a bug will crop up that is solved by restarting a dllhost instance, but that doesn't really happen often at all.  Much better than running it as a CGI, regardless.

Banana fanna fo fanna

Ah, I didn't know there was a PHP-ISAPI module. Last time I adminned Windows IIS, I had to run PHP as CGI.
