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Castle Game!

Started by Hazard, August 22, 2003, 09:20 PM

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This is perhaps the dumbest game I have played in a long time. It is one of those terrible games that is horribly addicting. Try it if you dare.


"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


I got to level 10, and bought the temple, at which point I got bored and quit.. does it ever get any better?
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


i stopped at lvl 9 what does the buildings do. i bought the archery and it did nothing...

[edit] Nvm i found what there used for.

Mesiah / haiseM

level 12, quit cause i was getting a headache.
]HighBrow Innovations
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I'll explain the game. Before you buy any of the buildings (aside from fortifying your walls) you have to buy a temple. When you get one, drop one of the attackers at a time into the castle and a yellow beam will come shooting into your castle. They are converted to your side. At this point, right below your health bar, a stick figure will appear. These are those you have converted to your side. You can then buy an archery range, mana pool, workshop, and demolition shop. Buying an archery range will produce a red flag in one of the towers. When you click the flag you will add an archer to that post. The number that you have will be displayed on the tower where the (0) now stands. When you buy a workshop a flag will appear in another tower and you can get craftsmen, which can repair the castle during action. Once you get yourself a mana pool you can begin to have wizards. The more wizards you put in the tower the faster your mana will re-generate. You can, if you have enough mana, create pulverizing counter-strikes with the wizards. It's confuzzling but kinda addictive.


"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


Hmm, what I don't understand is the function of the suicide bombers. They never seemed to accomplish anything?


They don't do much good. Until you get to the scary black stick figures, then you can use the suicide bombers to destroy them.


"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


I gave up after level 15 because my eyes hurt...
It's not that hard if you get enough archers; I had around 20 archers and 7 craftsmen. You only need to pick off the guys with the sticks and the big black guys, the others don't do enough damage to be worth the time (and the archers kill them anyways).


All you have to do is get a lot of archers and the game just plays itself. The computer dies way before it ever gets to your castle.
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Get wizards. They own.

I currently have 115 wizards, 180 archers and 40 repair guys at level 20-something, haven't needed to touch anything for a few levels :)


Do wizards attack automagically? I thought they only charged your mana bar thingie


I only found the game addictive only for the first time I played it. After I died at stage 17 or so and saw my units disappear, I got tired of it and never played again. I only had one game.


No, wizards give manual attack. The more wizards you have, the quicker your mana recharges. When you have less than 4 wizards, you can only use the 1st spell (kill). When you have at least 5 but less than 16 (I think) wizards, you can use the 2nd spell (bomb). When you have at least 16(?), you can use the 3rd spell (convert).

Convert is the most useful spell. With 115 wizards, I can convert about 4-5 times straight with a full mana bar, and don't need to wait more than 1.5-2 seconds from an empty mana bar until I have enough mana to convert.

You can convert the big black figures, which is the best. Before you can convert quickly, use kill to get rid of them. Bomb is not very useful, and suicide bombers are completely useless.

Keep wizards and archers more or less balanced until you can convert so fast it doesn't even matter anymore. Then just put everything in archers (while not forgetting other things - repairmen and fortifications; my castle currently has 35000 hp, and with 40 repairmen, stays below 100% for 5 seconds tops).


The trick to not losing all your guys is to make sure you have enough money to pay your upkeep. Level 30-40+ is easily possible with conversion.


This game is so frickin boring.  I have 1k archers, 1k craftsmen, and 750 magi.  My castle defends itself for the most part, and if anyone gets through, they have to do 300k dmg before it dies (which the 1k craftsmen very quickly repair).

I like to start the game, and minimize it.  I barely break even with upkeep each turn, since its at 400k, so I never spend any points.  I have somewhere around 2.5mil spendable points, with a total score of 12 mil.
