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WebChannel's statstring parsing

Started by UserLoser, August 15, 2003, 09:36 PM

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Quote from: UserLoser on August 15, 2003, 09:36 PM
is all wrong for W3XP! ;D
No, just the icon names are incorrect.  Feel free to point out the correct names if you know them offhand.


       Case "H1", "O1", "N1", "U1", "R1"
           GetW3IconName = "Orc Peon"
       Case "H2": GetW3IconName = IIf(Expansion, "Rifleman", "Footman")
       Case "H3": GetW3IconName = IIf(Expansion, "Sorceress", "Knight")
       Case "H4": GetW3IconName = IIf(Expansion, "Spellbreaker", "Archmage")
       Case "H5": GetW3IconName = IIf(Expansion, "Blood Mage", "Medivh")
       Case "H6": GetW3IconName = IIf(Expansion, "Kael", "UNKNOWN")
       Case "O2": GetW3IconName = IIf(Expansion, "Troll Headhunter", "Grunt")
       Case "O3": GetW3IconName = IIf(Expansion, "Shaman", "Tauren")
       Case "O4": GetW3IconName = IIf(Expansion, "Spirit Walker", "Far Seer")
       Case "O5": GetW3IconName = IIf(Expansion, "Shadow Hunter", "Thrall")
       Case "O6": GetW3IconName = IIf(Expansion, "Rexxar", "UNKNOWN")
       Case "N2": GetW3IconName = IIf(Expansion, "Huntress", "Archer")
       Case "N3": GetW3IconName = IIf(Expansion, "Druid of the Talon", "Druid of the Claw")
       Case "N4": GetW3IconName = IIf(Expansion, "Dryad", "Priestess of the Moon")
       Case "N5": GetW3IconName = IIf(Expansion, "Warden", "Furion Stormrage")
       Case "N6": GetW3IconName = IIf(Expansion, "Maiev", "UNKNOWN")
       Case "U2": GetW3IconName = IIf(Expansion, "Crypt Fiend", "Ghoul")
       Case "U3": GetW3IconName = IIf(Expansion, "Banshee", "Abomination")
       Case "U4": GetW3IconName = IIf(Expansion, "Destroyer", "Lich")
       Case "U5": GetW3IconName = IIf(Expansion, "Crypt Lord", "Tichondrius")
       Case "U6": GetW3IconName = IIf(Expansion, "Sylvanas", "UNKNOWN")
       Case "R2": GetW3IconName = IIf(Expansion, "Myrmidon", "Green Dragon Whelp")
       Case "R3": GetW3IconName = IIf(Expansion, "Siren", "Blue Dragon")
       Case "R4": GetW3IconName = IIf(Expansion, "Dragon Turtle", "Red Dragon")
       Case "R5": GetW3IconName = IIf(Expansion, "Sea Witch", "Deathwing")
       Case "R6": GetW3IconName = IIf(Expansion, "Illidan", "UNKNOWN")
       'i'm not sure if this section is right
       Case "D2": GetW3IconName = IIf(Expansion, "Felguard", "UNKNOWN")
       Case "D3": GetW3IconName = IIf(Expansion, "Infernal", "UNKNOWN")
       Case "D4": GetW3IconName = IIf(Expansion, "Doomguard", "UNKNOWN")
       Case "D5": GetW3IconName = IIf(Expansion, "Pit Lord", "UNKNOWN")
       Case "D6": GetW3IconName = IIf(Expansion, "Archimonde", "UNKNOWN")