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Newbie At Bots

Started by SuLLeN, August 15, 2003, 08:33 AM

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Hello All I Am Currently Trying To Create My Own Bot But Am Totally New At It. I Am Asking That Some People Be Patient With Me And Possibly Help Me Through The Setup. I Feel So Dumb But Ever Since Ladder Is All 9999 B.net Was Just Getting Gay So I Decided To Do This. Some one Please Help Me My E-mail is [email protected]
AIM = EgRpLaYa
Thank You.


We shall have no patience with your flame bait.


Flame Bait? Anyway Seriously Though I Am Not Trying To Be Rude Or Anything But I Just Wish I Could Do Something Fun or worthy Cause Battle.net Has Gotten So Gay Since Ladder It Doesnt Have To Be You Thats All I Want. Thats All I'm Asking Since Your The Best


If you keep capitalising every word of your posts I shall hire someone to cut your fingers off.


Yes. Noone would come here and post like you do if it wasn't a flame bait?

I mean, all the elaborately worked Leet Style Speak Kinda Like That Annoying Boba Used To Talk? And asking questions that make no sense ("create my own bot" vs "help me through the setup" and not even giving any information on what kind of bot it's all about)?


Thats what I'm trying to say I don't know much all i want is a simple and when I say simple i mean SIMPLE chat bot. I am sorry to put you through this but i am a very determined person. i dont care if u just copy and paste code and i can try and edit but all I'm asking is for help...yes I admit I am a newbie at this thats why i created a topic like this.


Learn to program (somewhere else) and then come back and ask again.


Honestly, the best thing for you would be to learn programming with a much simpler project than a bot.

But if you have some patience and wait around, maybe someone will pity you and lead you through this after all. I don't think you'll actually *learn* much from it though, you could just as well download the sources for a bot and just use it.


Well Its Kinda like a School Be My Tutor Teach Me I Looked at all te VB and C++ learning and they all cost money which i do not have. So Why Not You Pity Me and Teach & when I Become famous (like that will ever happen) I'll spread word out you helped bunches i am not going to take all the credit for something i didnt do alone. so I say please I am actually begging you to help me I Get Way 2 Bored For Other Stuff


What nonsense. There's loads of free tutorials and webpages about programming.


Half are Trojaned I Checked Yahoo Google Britannica and its either bugged or $19.95.


Learning programming will inevitably be boring. If you have a tendency to give up when things get boring, give up now and save you the trouble.


As I Said Before I Am A Very Determined Person If I Start Something I Finish It. Only Reason B.net Got boring cause Madd0x released his winbot now theres no ladder challenge cause everyone is 9999. I am 16 and i don't Know any VB or programming....personally thats sad help me teach me but do something please.


What does the ladder abuse have to do with wanting to program a bot?

And Im sure tons of 16  year olds don't know how to program.

Also to whomever teased for capitalizing the first letter of every word look...I stopped  :D

Edit: Looking at your member text under your name brought up the question...are you a netnuke staff member?


Yes, tons of 16 year olds don't know how to program, and yet they try to learn by starting on a project that is far beyond their abilities. It's a little like a 16 year old wanting to learn boxing by going up against Mike Tyson.