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*Laughs at east coast

Started by iago, August 14, 2003, 07:25 PM

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hmm.. I spent the last 4 days with no electricity.. now the east coast has none.  Ha!
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:



Halarious, good thing I dont live there.

Soul Taker

I live right on the shore and I never lost power =P  Seems the farthest east areas were unaffected.


I lost power for 6 hours >.< I live in CT. All canada's fault lol  :P



I live a little bit NW of Boston and never lost power, but my internet connection has been intermittant at best ever since it came back on at about 7 last night.

[edit] Well that would be the night before last, as it is past midnight now. :)