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Started by gurud00d, August 11, 2003, 10:03 PM

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I recently stumbled upon this site (probabally from a search engine, most likely google or altavista) and noticed a few threads that were helpful. Also, I noticed a lot of the members are Visual Basic fans...ack. c++ is far better, and if you are concidering using the .net framework, c# is the shit. Mostly I spend godly ammounts of time programming in either c, c++, c#, php, perl, bash, asm, or java or wasting time on irc.freenode.net (usually in #c, #c++, #c#, #php, #phpfreaks,  or #yahoorefugees). That's really about all I have to say besides use c++ or c#...it will add at least 10 years to your life ;)

Almost forgot to mention...although I am a llama, remember one thing...I was used in the promo for winamp3 :P Also, do yourself a favor and download Mozilla Firebird...it's an excellent browser that blocks all popups (and I mean 100% of them), as well as many other things. About the only thing it cannot do is make coffee and find your car keys (Winamp3 can do that though)


I was actually thinking your the shit but Java moved you down to pretty cool from the shit.


Whats wrong with knowing Java? Most school-based computer science courses are drifting away from teaching C++ to Java because, according to them anyway, its becoming a more widespread and "universal" language. It can be useful to know as many programming languages as possible.


"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne

Banana fanna fo fanna

Java is okay.

Opera, however, is way better than Mozilla.