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Wanting to join --

Started by ShadowEmpire, August 04, 2003, 09:47 PM

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Quote from: DarkMinion on August 05, 2003, 01:56 PM
Cheese with that whine?  Who cares.  ::)

Everyone likes to whine sometimes. You whined when your friends got banned. Not only that, but you through a hissy banning fit as well. ;D


Quote from: Raven on August 05, 2003, 01:55 PM
Yeah ok Grok, f*ck the web-site, it serves no purpose. Noone should have to actually click on more than 2 links to get their information; it's much easier to just post it on the forum.

If you're at www.valhallalegends.com, everything is one click away.  If you're on the forum, you have to click more than 2 links.  Start making more sense!
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


It's not about that iago, a while ago (before you were in), there was a much stricter policy toward those who sought entry into the clan. Asking about entrance instead of reading the site entirely resulted in one always being denied. The site is there for a reason, so people who seek entry should read the site first instead of asking questions that were already answered on the site.


I did read through the website, I guess I just missed the part with the leaders.  In addition, it doesn't state how you should present yourself as a candidate, so I just decided to use the forum.  Forgive me if I am incorrect, however.  Darkminion, I just want to mention that I was not complaining or presenting my grievences to the forum by mentioning that I was idlebanned, in case you were under that impression.  It seems to me that by posting a thread about joining this clan, I in turn started a little argument, heh.  Regardless, I will get to know Adron, then Skywing and Grok.  Thanks for posting that reply Grok.  Also, if someone could unban me so I could do so.  The account is ShadowEmpire, otherwise I will just wait.  Look forward to meeting you all, I'll talk to you guys later.  Good evening!



Quote from: Raven on August 05, 2003, 01:55 PM
Yeah ok Grok, f*ck the web-site, it serves no purpose. Noone should have to actually click on more than 2 links to get their information; it's much easier to just post it on the forum.

Heh, you didn't actually *read* my post.


No Grok, I actually did read your post. All the information he needed he could've gotten off the site if he just looked hard enough. I mean come on, the leaders are at the top of the members list for crying out loud! And all the information about what it takes to join is on the site as well; it's not like the information is hidden! I do admit, I guess I was a bit touchy, but I mean come on, people have been treated more harshly than this for "lesser" reasons and you never seemed to mind.  


I think the main difference is that this guy is coherant.  He speaks in full words and full sentences, and makes his point rather clear.  That alone is enough to deserve respect, in my opinion.  

Feel free to add my icq/msn/aim.. they should all be listed left of my post.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: ShadowEmpire on August 05, 2003, 09:36 PM
Regardless, I will get to know Adron, then Skywing and Grok.

Haha! He's getting to know me FIRST! I win! :P


Quote from: Kp on August 05, 2003, 02:34 PM
If there's a general concensus this is a bad idea, it's quite easy to revert it back in the source.

Personally, I prefer idle kick. It makes visitors realize that they're supposed to speak their business. Also, I really don't like the current idle kick time - it's a good habit to lurk for a while before you speak. Right now we're telling people to just burst in and start speaking right away? Sounds like we're trying to teach people bad habits?


Quote from: Adron on August 06, 2003, 07:00 AM
Quote from: Kp on August 05, 2003, 02:34 PM
If there's a general concensus this is a bad idea, it's quite easy to revert it back in the source.

Personally, I prefer idle kick. It makes visitors realize that they're supposed to speak their business. Also, I really don't like the current idle kick time - it's a good habit to lurk for a while before you speak. Right now we're telling people to just burst in and start speaking right away? Sounds like we're trying to teach people bad habits?

Nah, when the burst in and talk right away, they get banned by a member!  The first step in the membership test, I suppose, is to manage to speak your business before getting banned.. it's tricky :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I thought the purpose of the bots automation was to reduce the amount of manual work required to keep the channel clean. You're saying that we're required to do more manual work because of the bot's features? Eww!


Quote from: Adron on August 06, 2003, 07:00 AMPersonally, I prefer idle kick. It makes visitors realize that they're supposed to speak their business. Also, I really don't like the current idle kick time - it's a good habit to lurk for a while before you speak. Right now we're telling people to just burst in and start speaking right away? Sounds like we're trying to teach people bad habits?
I agree about the value of idle kick, but it is rather useless when almost everyone that the bot kicks just rejoins immediately and automatically (and continues to be idle for many hours to come).  I'll add an option for controlling whether to ever idleban (and default it to off ("kicks only")).

Regarding kick time, that's tunable by anyone with access to the bot.  Also, frequency of check for idleness can be configured.

Quote from: Adron on August 06, 2003, 09:03 AMI thought the purpose of the bots automation was to reduce the amount of manual work required to keep the channel clean. You're saying that we're required to do more manual work because of the bot's features? Eww!
That is the purpose; I don't quite see what extra work is involved.  Could you clarify?
[19:20:23] (BotNet) <[vL]Kp> Any idiot can make a bot with CSB, and many do!


I believe that the idle-kick is a good way to keep bots, and other annoyances free from the channel. I get kicked often for the obvious reasons and do believe that the idle-time is a bit quick, but its your bot, your channel, and your rules, so I really have no say in the matter.


I am not sure if you guys have allready jumped to this solution, or have allready implimented it, but here is my suggestion: Why not simply just add an Auto-Rejoin on Kick?  It allows users to just be kicked for being idle, and at that point they should know to get their buisiness done with, or stay out.  People on Auto-Rejoin can get a clue, not to rejoin, and never to come in again?  And yes Adron, I am getting to know you first, but of course I wouldn't know to get to know you first if it had not been for Grok ^^;.  However Adron, when would be a good time for us to meet?  I am flexable when it comes to meeting times; say, how about 7:00 Eastern in channel Adron?  Well, if you don't show up I'll just assume you couldn't make it in time or whatever it may be, and you can set up a time if your willing :P.  iago, thanks - I'll give you a message on AIM sometime.  Well, with that all said, I'll leave it for you guys to reply, heh.
