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Simple but VERY helpful idea for Web Bot

Started by drake, July 27, 2003, 08:17 PM

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I know this is kind of stupid to be requesting a feature for something that is already so awesome but I was wondering if you could add the ability to feed the background color for the the different windows as a parameter. Like you feed it the bot name and channel name, feed it background=ffffff or something. Right now all of them are default black and its just that it would add a nice touch for ones needs to customize it for their site but wouldn't be too difficult to add. If I had access to the code I could add this feature literally in like 2 minutes.



mmm name a better one? The BNLS Request one is for requests to be added not for ideas as far as bot development. Programming forums don't seem to work either cause thats for help with programming not feature requests. Now the description for general includes "and [vL]-related issues." which this is a vL related issue.

Now if I am wrong thats fine but maybe it suggests the descriptions aren't clear enough or a new forum needs to be made.


Shouldn't you be able to change the background color using the style sheet?


Quote from: Adron on July 28, 2003, 04:04 AM
Shouldn't you be able to change the background color using the style sheet?


This is exactly what the ?css= option is for.  Since all pages generated by BinaryChatISAPI are fully stylized, you should be able to customize almost everything related to the visual appearance.  The ?css= option takes the fully qualified path (including protocol name) to a stylesheet file, and can be used with almost all pages generated by the ISAPI DLL.  An example of using this to change that appearance of things: http://www.valhallalegends.com/skywing/isapi/BinaryChatISAPI.dll?channeltextstream=Skywing?css=http://botdev.valhallalegends.com/webchannel/styles.css.

BTW, the "default" frameset is not even provided by BinaryChatISAPI - you don't necessarily have to use it if you don't want to.

Also note that BinaryChatISAPI always uses qmarks (?) as command/option separators, even past the first commmand.

The default stylesheet (which is used if none is specified) is located here.


Quote from: Skywing on July 28, 2003, 10:15 AM
This is exactly what the ?css= option is for.  Since all pages generated by BinaryChatISAPI are fully stylized, you should be able to customize almost everything related to the visual appearance.  

Note almost. Did you see the conversation a few days ago about wanting to customize the color of the name of an op leaving the channel? As it is now you can't have the name of an op talking be white but the entire leave message for all users be green. Not an extremely important thing but maybe you should add that if you're idling over the source code.


Shortly after I posted I figured that out but thanks for the reply. The thing is that it isn't documented in the readme so I had to figure that out by snooping around the system. Yet there is a one problem, the connection images are built in groups of 6 so that when there is only one bar, there is a bunch of black for where another 5 would be. Maybe it would be better for 3 image of green, yellow, and red which display accordingly. Yes I am a pain in the ass :-/


Quote from: drake on July 29, 2003, 03:04 AM
Shortly after I posted I figured that out but thanks for the reply. The thing is that it isn't documented in the readme so I had to figure that out by snooping around the system. Yet there is a one problem, the connection images are built in groups of 6 so that when there is only one bar, there is a bunch of black for where another 5 would be. Maybe it would be better for 3 image of green, yellow, and red which display accordingly. Yes I am a pain in the ass :-/

Hmm, so you mean that if you don't have a black background for the page, you still get a black background where the bars are supposed to be? Wouldn't the easiest way to fix that be to make the black areas of the bars be transparent instead?


Quote from: Adron on July 29, 2003, 06:38 AM
Quote from: drake on July 29, 2003, 03:04 AM
Shortly after I posted I figured that out but thanks for the reply. The thing is that it isn't documented in the readme so I had to figure that out by snooping around the system. Yet there is a one problem, the connection images are built in groups of 6 so that when there is only one bar, there is a bunch of black for where another 5 would be. Maybe it would be better for 3 image of green, yellow, and red which display accordingly. Yes I am a pain in the ass :-/

Hmm, so you mean that if you don't have a black background for the page, you still get a black background where the bars are supposed to be? Wouldn't the easiest way to fix that be to make the black areas of the bars be transparent instead?

Yes, that is correct. The icons are currently JPEGs, so we'd need to create new transparent GIF icons (I could provide you with these if you wish, Skywing). Then Skywing would simply have to change the extensions to which WebChannel references the icons (.JPG to .GIF).


The problem could actually be fixed by drawing the green bars as singles, and if a certain amount needs to be drawn beyond green, it'd just draw them as a set. Since battle.net doesn't update latency in real time while in channels, this could simply be done upon onJoin. :)


Quote from: Raven on July 29, 2003, 10:35 AM
The problem could actually be fixed by drawing the green bars as singles, and if a certain amount needs to be drawn beyond green, it'd just draw them as a set. Since battle.net doesn't update latency in real time while in channels, this could simply be done upon onJoin. :)
You would still have the problem of the background of the images being black while the rest of the page possibly having some other different background color.  This is something which could be fixed for all of the product icons, too.


I don't care which way you do it personally, whatever way is easiest to you. By no means am I telling you that you have to but it would be GREATLY appreciated.


Quote from: drake on July 29, 2003, 03:41 PM
I don't care which way you do it personally, whatever way is easiest to you. By no means am I telling you that you have to but it would be GREATLY appreciated.
If you want transparent icons that much, it'd probably speed things up if you made transparent versions of all of the images BinaryChatISAPI references.


But the product icons are plain rectangles. I'm not even sure why there is even black outside the triangles to begin with, as it could easily be trimmed. Did you extract the icons out of the MPQs, or did you create them manually? (I think it was the latter.....?)