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Valhalla Game

Started by Invert, July 11, 2003, 03:57 PM

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This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: iago on July 11, 2003, 04:11 PM

Yeah! Can't they come up with their own logo? Sheesh. I suppose the characters in the game are iago, Spht, Yoni, etc.


That would actually be really cool :)

But if I remember correctly, wasn't the vL logo originally stolen from somebody else?
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Indeed it was.

It was stolen from http://www.valhallachronicles.com/, which is no longer there...


Um... The game is called "Valhalla Chronicles" and that used to be the website for the game. I posted about the game and our logo because we thought that since the website was down it would be ok for us to steal the logo from them. The game is about to come out with our website bearing their logo.

I have also read a preview of the game by a game magazine which called it the most horrible game they have ever seen and for buyers to avoid at all cost.


Yes, the writers sold the game to "paradox" I think, which obviously passed it off to STRATEGY FIRST.