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Great Job and some suggestions :)

Started by Jubalint, July 09, 2003, 12:44 PM

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Well I just want to compliment you guys on webbot, its a awesome success!.  Also i have some suggestions for your Eternal Chat flag system.  Basically I think you should use budda bots flag and rank system, which I think is the best one out their, ok here it is.  Flags are- M (Master), D (Designated), Z (Shitlisted), I (Ignored), O (Operator), T (Talk, R (Recruiter).  I'm sure you can guess what those are for :).  Also it uses a ranking system from 1-100 so that you can determine the power of the flags someone.  Like bob who has 70 OR would not be able to kick Jill 90 ORD.  Oh and add some simple games like scramble and oracle, those actually are REALLY popular.  Pretty much whenever you come into my clan channel you'll find my members playing scramble :).


<not sure whether to laugh or cry>
^-----silly Brit


First off, this is for the development of bots - not feedback on products.  Second, I've seen better flags systems (Zerobot's comes to mind, which afaik is copied quite closely in EternalChat).

Third, this thread is locked for being grossly off topic.
[19:20:23] (BotNet) <[vL]Kp> Any idiot can make a bot with CSB, and many do!