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Such stuff as dreams are made on

Started by K, July 09, 2003, 12:15 PM

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I wish there were a thread were I could post all the people that really need to be banned.  JoeCool springs to mind immediately.  Note that I'm not wishing he were banned...I'm wishing I could request it  ::)


There are a lot of people I can think of, but it really is impossible to ban people since almost everybody can change their ip one way or another..
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Oh there's a real easy way with Apache:

<Directory "/whatever/web/root/is">
   Order deny,allow
   Deny from all
   Allow from this subnet, that subnet, etc.
That sucking sound you hear is my bandwidth.


True, but they can still go down to their friends/local library/school/radio shack and have access..
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: iago on July 09, 2003, 04:53 PM
True, but they can still go down to their friends/local library/school/radio shack and have access..
Not if I don't specify that subnet in the allow.
That sucking sound you hear is my bandwidth.


You guys are thinking inside the box. There's a very very simple way to keep unwanted visitors out, and I'm sure atleast one of you (aside from me ofcourse ;) ) know it. :)


You can just keep deleting the posts the person makes, which would discourage someone from posting since they know that their post will get deleted anyway.


Quote from: Raven on July 09, 2003, 06:44 PM
You guys are thinking inside the box. There's a very very simple way to keep unwanted visitors out, and I'm sure atleast one of you (aside from me ofcourse ;) ) know it. :)

Since an unwanted user could just use a proxy to get in, I'm guessing you're thinking of a members-only forum.
اگر بتوانید این را بهخوابید ، من را "پی ام" کنید


Essentially. Modify the forum to only allow admins to create member accounts. That's a way to keep unwanted idiots out. :)


You are all missing the point I was trying to make.  If I put that in httpd.conf, NO computer can even begin a session with the server unless I specify a certain IP address, domain or subnet to allow.  All disallowed computers will get a 403.

It's easier to deny total access to everyone and allow access to 20 or so IP's, etc. than to allow everyone and try to deny computers that jump from proxy to proxy.

Of course, then you'll get the pissed off kid that will want to throw a temper tantrum and launch the "Oh I'm so clever" echo storm or syn flood attack.
That sucking sound you hear is my bandwidth.


Quote from: Thing on July 09, 2003, 07:02 PM
You are all missing the point I was trying to make.  If I put that in httpd.conf, NO computer can even begin a session with the server unless I specify a certain IP address, domain or subnet to allow.  All disallowed computers will get a 403.

It's easier to deny total access to everyone and allow access to 20 or so IP's, etc. than to allow everyone and try to deny computers that jump from proxy to proxy.

Of course, then you'll get the pissed off kid that will want to throw a temper tantrum and launch the "Oh I'm so clever" echo storm or syn flood attack.

All that was pointless. No offense, ofcourse.



QuoteAll that was pointless. No offense, ofcourse.
None taken.

* adds deny from 12.248. *
That sucking sound you hear is my bandwidth.