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BP Oil Spill Conspiracy?

Started by GameSnake, May 26, 2010, 01:58 PM

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BP Fouls Marshes In Search Of Mineral Rights

"Napolitano said the federal government would "disperse it, boom it, burn it," to keep more oil from coming ashore. But St. Bernard Parish President Craig Taffaro had a different idea. "I would be betting the plan is to let us die." Last weekend, BP and the Coast Guard abandoned 44 boats loaded with booms on Louisiana's shores as thick black oil flooded into the marshlands. The oil company has provided little explanation about what made it jump ship rather fight the oil as it hit land... Far below Louisiana's fragile wetlands are reserves of crude oil and other valuable minerals. Local residents speculated on Monday that BP is after the mineral rights, which it cannot touch while the wetlands are alive."

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Quote[13:26:50] <deadly7[x86]> i don't think you get it.
[13:26:51] <deadly7[x86]> ;\
[13:26:55] <GameSnake> Nope :(
[13:27:01] <deadly7[x86] opens up paint>
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Ooh I love conspiracy theories.  :D